Profil du prestataire ermite

Informations générales sur le prestataire ermite

Nickname : ermite
Type de structure : freelance qualifié
Date inscription : 05/03/2010
Dernière fois en ligne : 06/03/2010
Classement : classé 56 881ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Tags compétences


Profil détaillé du prestataire ermite

Domaines de compétence

Selected skill

  • C# .Net 2.0 & 3.5
  • Winform (DevExpress/) & WPF
  • ASP VB6 & ASP.Net
  • C/C++ (MFC&QT)
  • SQL Server 2005/2008 & Oracle 10g
  • UML
Expérience professionnelle

Brussels Capital-Region: Tunnel of Brussels (fixed price-DBA/Technical Project Leader)

Real-time info traffic information system in 24 tunnels of the Brussels Region

C#, Winform & WPF,WCF,ASP.Net, Oracle 10g, GIS

Oct 2008 | Jan 2010

£ Analyze the business with the project manager and I have done all prototypes and mock-ups for winform and website.

£ Modelized all tunnels in WPF.

£ Development of the website using C# / ASP .NET, JavaScript, CSS

£ Development of a WCF service to provide an auto update application (ex: Like Firefox auto update)

£ Design and implement the Oracle database in .Net development environment.

£ Documentation writing

£ Implement geographic information system (GIS) with Intergraph product (GeoMedia) to see real-time traffic information on the map.

EuroControl: SAAM Application (IT Consultancy-Analyst)

Air space modeling and algorithm

C++, QT4, MFC

Feb 2008 | Sep 2008

£ Write algorithms for air space modeling or optimize the algorithms that already exist.

Jun 2007 | Aug 2007

£ Software to design for air space data modeling. The SAAM Matrix project includes 2 aspects. The development of a process allowing interpolation of data coming from a matrix, which composes the core of the SAAM Data Linearization (SDL) application and development of a GUI around these data.

Total Petrochemicals: eLisa Application (Fixed Price-Developer)

Logistic, management of resources and their distribution

C#, WinForm, SQL Server, SOAP

Sep 2007 | Feb 2008

£ The purposes of eLisa are managed all the loading and unloading operations(boat, rail, truck, pipeline) in Fina Antwerp Olefins (FAO); that means manage the order exchanges with the shareholders, manage the interfaces with the access control and the weight bridge systems, treat the SAP files, print all the necessary documents (reporting). I developed all loading and unloading operation for trucks and drivers.

Nov 2006 | Dec 2006

£ I have worked on the security system to allow access for users with the right access rights. This system uses Active Directory to allow the access. I also developed an auto-update plug-in and different screen to manage the application parameters and an a

Assurcard: ATAO, HOSPI & KIO² projects (Fixed Price-/Developer)

C#, ASP.Net, VB Script, JavaScript, XML, SOAP, SQL Server, Threading, Office Application.

Aug 2007 | Nov 2007

£ Migration entire ATAO web platform from VB Script to C# Asp.NET.

Jan 2007 | May 2007

£ Migrated KIO² framework from .Net 1 to .Net 2. I prepared and supervised the whole migration of KIO² on all kiosks. I also developed some new SOAP functions,

May 2006 | Nov 2006

£ I was in charge of the modification of the database physical schematics.

£ I developed :

§ An application who downloading xls files from the government website (eGov) in order to receive the last INAMI codes available.

§ Search web page with reporting (pdf, xls, doc).

§ Batch to import data from xls file, treating it and exporting all data to SQL server database.

£ ATAO: this application manages the communication between several insurer companies and several hospitals for work accident notifications.

£ HOSPI: this application manages the communication between several insurer companies and several hospitals for hospitalizations notifications. All invoices go directly to the insurers so that insured patients do not have to pay any hospitalization. The whole invoicing system is automatic.

£ KIO²: this application manages kiosks localized in hospitals. Through these kiosks, patients enter the reason of the hospitalization and declare it to the insurer. KIO² is installed on each kiosk and checks the status of printers, card readers, networks of kiosk and sends email notifications in case of problem.

Soins Chez Soi : SCSXp Application (Fixed Price-Developer)

ICT & Call Center

C#, WinForms, SQL Server, Threading, Crystal Reports, Office Application.

Dec 2005 | Dec 2006

SCS is a call center which organizes medical services for patients who just left the hospital. Patients call SCS and SCS contacts all medical providers for medical services at patient’s home. I developed several search screens for SCSXP as well as screens to create new patients, new medical providers and new service requests. Annually, SCS needs to make statistic report to receive financial help from the government. I developed another application to automatically provide those statistics from the database server. All statistics after treatment are exported to xls format.


Haute Ecole de Bruxelles – Ecole Supérieure en Informatique.

2002 – 2006 : Bachelor en science informatique industriel : option télécommunication.

Training: analysis and conception with UML, web development with XML & ColdFusion, GUI & Fat Client, create & manipulate database

Projets réalisés par ermite

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