E-Business & Computerised Account
Microsoft Excel (MS-Excel)
Microsoft Word (MS-Word)
Data Base Method
Computer & Computing
Power Point
-Team work: I have worked in various teams from research teams to national field trip studies. For a period of 2 years I was the leader of economics students in College St Charle Lwanga -Mediating skills: I worked on borders between students, professors conflicts with students, solve business problems with the administrations. -Intercultural skills: I am experienced at working in a diversified cultural background such as being a cultural analyst during the university week in my institution. | |
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Whilst on internship in SCAC I coordinated an national workshop on the business strategies in Cameroon. -Working with CERIANC; College Lwanga I have organized many training seminars on youth education on international business. I know how to organize my work, protect and have an interest in the assets of the company, A COVICOM, I was responsible for the library and the laboratory
Produire tout document à l’aide des logiciels de bureau, assurer les courants de comptabilité, répondre aux demandes de la Direction et des salaries en respectant la confidentialité des informations, prendre les dossiers relatifs aux ressources humaines (procédure d’embauche, suivi du recrutement, contacter les agences intérimaires pour des missions), assister et travailler en collaboration ave la force de vente, développer un portefeuille client, réaliser des achats à l’étranger, suivre l’activité commerciale d’un produit et élaborer des tableaux ……….
Stage hopital Sainte Marie Reine desApotres Ambam- Yaoundé service acceuil et pharmaceutique
Stage Académique de Secrétaire comptable à Money Opportunity devenu SCAC
Working in a research team carrying out in-depth business developments of the banking systems in Cameroon banks example Union Bank of Cameroon. SCAC
Stage Académique de Secrétariat Bureautique à COVICOM
Monitrice des cours de vacance et Secrétaire à COVICOM
Secrétaire et Monitrice à Afronet
BEPC au Lycée d’Efoulan à Yaoundé
PROBATOIRE A4 Allemand au Lycée de Biyem-Assi à Yaoundé
Terminale A4 Allemand au Lycée de Biyem-Assi à Yaoundé
High Diploma National in E-Business & Computerised Account (en cours)