Profil du prestataire umudeli

Informations générales sur le prestataire umudeli

Nickname : umudeli
Type de structure : travailleur occasionnel
Date inscription : 22/11/2011
Dernière fois en ligne : 28/03/2020
Classement : classé 13 793ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Tags compétences


Profil détaillé du prestataire umudeli

Domaines de compétence

·         Software: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Ms Visio, Ms Project

·         OS: Windows, Lunix/Unix, Mac Os

·         Programming: C/C++, Java/ J2ee

·         Database: mySql, Access, Oracle

·         Web: Apache/PHP, XML/HTML/CSS, AJAX

·         Analysis: UML, Merise

·         IDE: Eclipse/Wsad, Visual Studio 6

·         Methodology: Agile/scrum

·         Frameworks : Struts , Spring, Hibernate, Axis , JPA

·         Versioning : CVS ,SVN,VSS, Git

·         Directory: Active Directory, OpenLdap

·         Identity and Access Management: Oracle CoreId, Shibboleth (OS)

Expérience professionnelle

June 2011 – Now: Smals (sdPsp), Belgium

Position: ScrumMaster/J2EE technical analyst


Working in team of 10 developers, my duties are the following:


-      Implementation of agile methodology: Scrum

-      Installation and configuration of tools for managing the project: JIRA

-      Installation and configuration of continuous integration tools: Jenkins, Gerrit, Git

-      Manage the team

-      Coach junior developers

-      J2EE Technical analysis

-      J2EE  developement


Main Technology: Eclipse indigo, J2EE 6, Hibernate,  JBOSS 6 and 7,Git, Jira, Ajax(JQUERY), UML 2, Enterprise Architect, Scrum, SOAP Monitor, JAX-WS, JAXB 2, JUNIT, Jenkins, Gerrit, Artifactory, Maven 3, Oracle 10g and 11g, PL/SQL


February 2010 – June 2011:    SMALs (RVP),                                                           Brussels, BELGIUM

                                               Position: J2EE   analyst developer


Working within a team involved in developing and maintaining J2ee applications. The methodology used was scrum. The application is based on business workflows in service oriented environment.

Job description:

-       Refactoring of web application

-       Refactoring of various batch

-       Refactoring of web services involving communication with BCSS.

-       Various functional enhancements (Screens, business logic) involving third party essentially mainframe.

-       Modification of the Authentication system.

-       Modification of the integration layer with COBOL mainframe in order to improve performance.


My responsibilities were the following:


-       Participating in the estimation of stories for sprint and discuss technical impact that could happened within the application.

-       Java/J2EE development and technical analysis

-       Unit Testing  and integration test

-       Bugs Fixing

-       Contact with end user for resolving production issues



Working with in agile environment, I have been working in several topics.



Main Technology: Eclipse, struts 1, EJB 3,  JBOSS, SVN, Jira, Ajax( DOJO, JQUERY), UML 2, Enterprise Architect, Scrum, SOAP Monitor, JAX-WS, JUNIT

May 2008 -

 February 2010 SOFTWARE AG                                                                               Brussels, BELGIUM

                               Position: Analyst-developer J2EE

 I was involved in team of 6 persons for a public organism. The aim of the team was to maintain and implements functional enhancements for applications within the intranet and internet.


Job description:

-       Implement a new web application for Company Registration

-       Development of an administration part for the Candidate application

-       Refactoring of statistics module.

-       Functional enhancement for the Job Offer Management application

-       Feasibility study of Migration of Shibboleth (OpenSource Identity and access management solution) from Weblogic 8.1 to Weblogic 9.2 with the implementation of SSO.

-       Maintenance, bugs fixing of the IAM system and the web application for candidates.

-       Various functional enhancements for the various application on intranet

-       POC: Spring MVC for the candidate web application


My responsabities were the following:

·        Technical analysis and implementation.

·        Development JAVA/J2EE

·        Unit Testing of developments.

·        Writing user documentations.

·        Software Maintenance, Bugs fixing.



Main Technology: Eclipse, Servlet/JSP, XSLT (-FO), EJB (2), ANT, XML DB (Tamino), Tomcat, JBOSS, Weblogic, Apache, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SVN, Trac, Hibernate, Ajax, Spring, UML 2, JUnit



March 2007 -

April 2008         Electrabel SUEZ-GDF                                                   Brussels, BELGIUM

                        Position: Developer J2EE / Analyst IAM

I was member of the IAM support team for Electrabel. The aim of the team was to support, implement business demands regarding IAM solution for the intranet and extranet.


Job description:

-       Functional and technical analysis for new extranet Projects which requires an identity and access management component.

-       Design of IAM part of  news TPM(Trading and portofolio management) applications

-       Development of functional enhancement for a web application linked with the IAM system.


My responsabilities were the following:

-       Resolve daily incoming incidents in production regarding the availability of the extranet

-       Bugs fixing for web application

-       Identify and peform unit testing

-       Java/J2EE development

-       Configuration and customization of IAM tools

-       Functional and technical analysis

-       Participe in meeting taking lead in matter related to IAM

-       Write technical specifications 


Main Technology: Eclipse/WSAD, Struts, XSLT (-FO), ANT, Oracle 8i, Websphere, Apache, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, VSS, Ajax, Oracle CoreID, UML 2, JUNIT.






Education and Training

Technofutur Tic

September 2006 - November 2006: PHP, JSP/Servlet, VoIP and Wi-Fi.


October 2009: The Spring framework

VisionIT Group

June 2011: JPA, Spring and HIbernate

September 2011: Sharepoint Foundation,, C#

Faculté Polytechnique de Mons

1999-2006 Masters degree in Electricity


Specializations: Telecommunication and Embedded Systems

Thesis: Medical diagnosis using electronic nose

Key Courses Completed in Masters Studies: Telecom Systems, Signal processing, Embedded System and

Design assisted conception, parallel and distributed computing.

Projets réalisés par umudeli

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