Traitement d'images par des outils informatiques. Filtrage ; manipulation, transfomation, modification, sécurisation 'images couleurs ou en intensités de gris.
Classification, extraction de regions d'interret, classification...etc
[1] H. SEDDIK, Intech book chapter, open access, “2D-watermarking--non-conventional-approaches”, Computer and Information Science » Information and Knowledge Engineering » "Watermarking - Volume 2", book edited by Mithun Das Gupta, ISBN 978-953-51-0619-7, Published: ISBN:978-953-51-0619-7, pp.159-209, May 16, 2012 vol.2.
[1] Z. Mbarki H. Seddik; E. Ben Braiek, ‘A rapid and fast hybrid algorithm for image restoration combining parametric wiener filtering and wave atom transform’, Accepted for publication in the Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, JVCI-16-406R1, J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 40 (2016) 694–70 , impacted on ISI Thomson reuter 2.6
[2] S.Tebini, , H.Seddik, Z. Mbarki and E.Ben Braiek, 2016, An advanced and adaptive mathematical function for an efficient anisotropic image filtering, ELSEVIER Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 72, Issue 5, pp. 1369-1385, (2016), 5 years impact factor 1.89 ISI Thomson reuters.
[3] S.Tebini, Z. Mbarki, H.Seddik, and E.Ben Braiek, ‘Rapid and Efficient Image Restoration Technique Based On New Adaptive Anisotropic Diffusion Function’, ELSEVIER Digital signal processing vol. 48, pp. 201-215, doi:10.1016/j.dsp.2015.09.013, 5 years impact factor 1.558 isi Thomson reuter.
[5] H. Seddik, T. Sondes and E.B. Braiek “ Smart Real Time Adaptive Gaussian Filter Supervised Neural Network for Efficient Gray Scale and RGB Image Denoising”, AutoSoft computing- Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol. 20, issue.3, 6 march 2014, pp. 1-18. Impact factor 0.183 ISI Thomson Reuters AND indexed by ELSEVIER. Taylor and Francic -group, ISSN: 1079-8587.