Profil du prestataire franziacob

Informations générales sur le prestataire franziacob

Nickname : franziacob
Type de structure : auto-entrepreneur
Date inscription : 09/09/2009
Dernière fois en ligne : 18/03/2010
Classement : classé 39 561ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Tags compétences


Profil détaillé du prestataire franziacob

Domaines de compétence
C/C++ ( Brew, Windows/Linux/Mac OS )
Objective C( iPhone , Mac OS )
C# ( Windows Mobile SDK included )
Java( J2ME included )
Flash Lite
Python, Vb Script, ..and other scripting, net programming languages
Windows , Linux , MAC OS , Windows Mobile , Iphone OS , Brew , Symbian ...

Expérience professionnelle

Professional Experience:

Period 11/2008 – present

Position iPhone Programmer

Company AMA, Bucharest, Romania

Developed various applications for Cocoa Touch/iPhone technologies. Worked with iphone sdk , opengl , and python. Developed applications that were using graphics ,networking, audio , video, open gl es, gps , geocoding, reverse geocoding and other.

Constant collaboration with the design ,management and marketing team to plan and estimate the development of new applications , costs and impact on the user. Collaborate with the design and graphics team to help build a easier to use user-interface.

Periodical research on the new api's available and project already developed as a open source that could ease our work , lower our costs and improve our user-experience.

Developed small benchmarks to test the engines available on the internet from graphics to api improvements.

Commercial projects I've worked on:

IQBooster : Developed the master version. Developed the client-server side of the application, developed the location and 2D map with the geocoding , developed the 3D in the application. The 3D was written directly in open gl es and some of the 3D made use of the sio2 library. The 2D map was developed using theroute-me” modified library available on the Google projects because it can be used on every version of iphone sdk. This application is available on app store since 14/8/2009.

IQBooster Lite: Developed the Light version of IQBooster with some modifications to the connectivity and user interface.

Other 3 projects that are for the moment confidential.

Some of the internal projects:

Iphone AMA Engine : I written most of the engine used to read our animations, music and text made in the internal format.

Connected Library : An objective C library to help connect our applications to our servers, to conform to their portocol.

Various python scrips – used to extract data from the public servers and transform

it to our used formats for further using in our applications.


Vlad Sima - Platforms Team Manager +40 721 254 585

Mihai Lacatusu - Lead Developer Server-side Technologies +40 723 475755

Period 5/2006 – 11/2008

Position Brew Programmer

Company AMA, Bucharest, Romania

Developed mobile applications in Brew( Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless ) on CDMA networks according to design specifications for the master version and the porting versions.

Periodical research of the new technologies available on the market , making reports and writing classes for an easier general use.

Developed benchmarks for the mobile phones. Research for code optimizations, math optimizations, compiling optimizations along with new compiling tools available on the market.

Researched the Adobe Flash extension available for CDMA platforms, benchmarking and making reports on expanded programming possibilities.

Researched the Python scripting language available on Symbian platforms.

Researched 3D possibilities on brew platforms, benchmarking the devices into new families that would reduce the costs and time of development.

Developed various internal tools that reduced the time of mobile application development (automatic makefile generating, automatic compiler optimization,automatic commit using SVN, automatic mail forwarding, auto generating commonly used classes, libraries for easiness of porting .... ) and other tools generating reports and graphics for the marketing and sales department used to monitor the sales and events .

Other internal tools required writing the specifications on witch the server will run. These were written using c/c++/c#/java/python/php/dtd,xquery,xsch ema/vbscript.

Collaborated with the design, graphic and testing department for reducing the porting time and bringing new design and work flow ideas.

Developed mobile applications in trigml( an xml based programming for brew devices)

Commercial projects I've worked on:

Truth or Dare: I’ve written the master version in brew and assured that the porting are made according to the specifications

Healthy Body: I’ve written a part of the master version and made the required portings. This project required some modifications that could be done only from US. In US I’ve repaired the bugs generated by the network coverage and did the research that could have been done only with the network coverage.

IQBooster Connected: Ensured that the connected part of the project is working the way it should, making rapid fixes do the tight schedule. The fixes were made from US.

IQBooster Connected CellPack: I’ve created the Cell( used on celltop on Altell ) for a ease of use on Altell phones that were capable of running Trigml.

Date Doctor: Ported versions for the low-end phones.

Spelling Bee: Ported versions for the low-end phones.

Numerology Power: I’ve written a part of the master version and taken care of the porting process.

Dress To Impress : I’ve written a part of the master version and made the versions for the lowend phones.

Lough Out Loud: I’ve written the master version. This used to make use of the connection api and the sms/mms api but weas reduced only to sms.

Astro Love 2: I’ve written the connected library that is used and will be used on the

future applications on brew.

Cesar Millan Dog Couch: I’ve written a part of the master version and managed the portings on the low-end phones.

Some of the internal projects:

Sprite Splitter – A image processing small program wirtten in c# that was splitting images into smaller images( with the use of thransparency ) and clean their info using pngout( size issues on mobile phones)

Brew Version Releaser – A C# program to help build easier each verion, to keep the version control on the right track, to automaticly send mail to the persons responsabile for each device notifying changes in version.

Verizon Monthly Report – A C# program build to help the marketing team to easely follow their sales on verizon. It outputed an easy to read .xls file with variations of sales and percentes of demos that became full versions all in tables and easy to read pies.

Brew Connected LIB – the brew connected library that works with our server.

Benhmarks – benchmarks written to help cathegorise the devices based on their native performance, calculating, drawing and opengl es perofrmance

Internal automating scripts and dtd's used for improving compiling and submision times


Catalin Topita - Brew Lead Programmer +40 721 223729

Mihai Lacatusu - Lead Developer Server-side Technologies +40 723 475755

Period 10/2005 – 5/2006

Position J2ME Programmer

Company AMA, Bucharest, Romania

Developed mobile applications for GSM networks using j2me, ant, proguard. Lead a porting team during the porting process.

Commercial Projects:

Love Test: Ported master version on gsm phones

IQ Booster: Ported master version on the phones required by European operators.

Truth or Dare: I’ve written a part of the master version and lead the porting team during the porting process.

Some of the internal projects:

TextEditor: A text editor for the compressed text info used on the mobile projects.It decompiled the text, modified and recompile it in the project text format. It also had features like automated crash report( a crash log was sent to mail if the programmer using it wanted to a log with the input file that he used ) and automated svn operations on server.( c# )

Connected Library: helped on developing the connected library used by our server. ( J2ME )

Various ANT automating scripts.


Vlad Sima - Platforms Team Manager +40 721 254 585

Mihai Lacatusu - Lead Developer Server-side Technologies +40 723 475755

Period 9/2004 – 3/2005

Position Developer

Company IBM , Bucharest, Romania

Made installers( .msi ) using Wise and InstallShield . For the special requests( like

installers for sql ) I was making scripts in vbScript to ensure the default settings after

the installing process are according to the specifications ( some default connections to

the databases on the server ).


2002-2007 Politehnica University, Bucuresti , Computer Science

2008 – Introduction in Nitendo DS programming – Ubisoft Romania & Ubisoft Bulgaria

2008 - Management and business administration - Bucharest University of Economics


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