Profil du prestataire nadia88

Informations générales sur le prestataire nadia88

Nickname : nadia88
Type de structure : freelance qualifié
Date inscription : 25/11/2016
Dernière fois en ligne : 25/11/2016
Classement : classé 27 332ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire nadia88

Domaines de compétence


Diplôme Informatique : Commerce Electronique et MultiMedia


Maitrise de la langue française- anglaise -arabe  niveau 4 /maitrise de la langue russe écrite –parler  niveau 1

 Divers : Musique, Lecture, Sport

Expérience professionnelle

Objective: furthering my experience in the field of translation and communication, making use of my potential by producing work of quality.


Core Competences:

Ø  I was hired by the large corporation TAV Tunisia, a Turkish operator of Enfidha International and Monastir International Airports. With my translation skills and my reputation as a good translator TAV entrusted me with the task of translating an activity report of 60 pages from English to French. This Report was presented to the Tunisian Government.

Ø  Having an excellent understanding of the English language and as a highly qualified interpreter, I have developed a trust with the English community in Tunisia and with the foreign clients speaking English and as a sworn translator approved by the Tunisian Ministry of Justice, I helped many litigious clients speaking English in the court.

Ø  As a highly qualified translator, respected in my profession in view of my competence, high motivation, accuracy and respect of deadlines many companies and clients are referred to me for translation services from Arabic to English and Vice Versa.


Professional Experience:

*From September 2006 to December 2007: Translator in a company of translation

Main Tasks:

-Legal translation: judgments, contracts, legal documents from Arabic to English and vice versa and from French to English and vice versa.

Translation of civil status documents: birth, marriage, death.

-Translation of academic degrees and qualifications

- Medical translation

-Technical translation

-Translation of websites contents, booklets, brochures.


*From March 2008 to December 2009: Tenured Senior Executive in Tunis Science City

Main Tasks:

-Editing texts fir the Tunis Science City publications: websites, newsletters, booklets in English.

-Translating a variety of the Tunis Science City publications and projects contents from Arabic to English and from French to English.

-translation of publications from other institutions which have a partnership with the Tunis Science City from English to Arabic.

Special events and projects that I contributed to them:

·        International Year of Astronomy (IYA) 2009:

-Universe Awareness UNAWE (Tunisia) report from French to English.

-Astronomy Day



Ø  1999-2000 : baccalauréat  lettres lycée des garçons  Sousse          

Ø  2001-2006 : maitrise de la langue anglaise appliquee en traduction et communication institut supérieur de Moknine

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