Profil du prestataire cherfianis

Informations générales sur le prestataire cherfianis

Nickname : cherfianis
Type de structure : travailleur occasionnel
Date inscription : 10/08/2012
Dernière fois en ligne : 27/08/2021
Classement : classé 4 707ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire cherfianis

Domaines de compétence

Languages: Arabic (native), English (bilingual proficiency), French (bilingual proficiency), Spanish (beginner)

Computer: Java, R, C++, Scala, Spark, Flink, Git, LATEX, Cordova, Node.js, Android.                                 

Data Science: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Data Stream, Machine Learning, Data Preprocessing, Decision Tree, Data Discretization, Time Series analysis and forecasting, Distributed Algorithms, Deep Learning

Expérience professionnelle

DiCITS - University of Granada Granada, Spain RESEARCHER & DATA SCIENTIST May. 2018 - June. 2018

• Researching on the enhancements that different discretization methods can produce in the analysis and forecasting of time series. • Creating a new R package for time series discretization.

• Tools: R, Git, Java, Weka, KEEL.

Uploadlux Tunis, Tunisia FULL STACK DEVELOPER June. 2014 - June. 2015

• Management and Leading of video based web server, including scheduling and overseeing day-to-day operations.

• Tools: PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Java, Piwik, SQL. 

Webydeo Roen, France PHP DEVELOPER AND SERVER ADMINISTRATOR June. 2011 - July. 2012

• Building cloud communications platform for Voice & Messaging applications.

• Tools: CentOS, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL. 


Ph.D.(Higher Institute of Management of Tunis) ISG Tunisia PH.D. IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Jan. 2016 - jun. 2019

• Quantitative data analysis new methods and big data challenges.

• Proposed several scalable data discretization techniques for Apache Spark and data Stream. Thus, decreasing the complexity of C4.5 and other decision tree algorithms.

MSc.(Higher Institute of Management of Tunis) ISG Tunisia MSC. IN STATISTICAL MACHINE LEARNING Sep. 2012 - Jun. 2015

• MC4.5 decision tree algorithm: An improved use of continuous attributes in C4.5.

• Proposed a new decision tree algorithm based on C4.5 and improved discretization algorithm.

Bachelor degree (ESSECT business school) ESSEC Tunisia BACHELOR DEGREE IN BUSINESS COMPUTING

Projets réalisés par cherfianis

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