Profil du prestataire d

Informations générales sur le prestataire d

Nickname : d
Type de structure : freelance qualifié
Date inscription : 14/06/2016
Dernière fois en ligne : 19/02/2019
Classement : classé 31 913ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire d

Domaines de compétence

I had my first programming experience at the university with Pascal language, and even though I had no previous computer knowledge I achieved the highest score of the class in the final project. Afterwards I had Java related topics and I decided to focus my career on it. After an internship in Brussels (2005) I started my career as a Java programmer and since then I'm working mainly with Java.

Experience covers requirement analysis, application design, generation of technical and functional reports.


·        J2SE (9 years)

·        J2EE, Servlet, JSP (7 years)

·        Spring MVC (4 years)

·        Jersey (2 years)

·        Struts (3 years)

·        Spring 2(1 years)

·        Javascript(3 years)

·        JDBC (5 years)

·        SQL   (3 years)

·        XML   (4 years)

·        JSTL & EL  (2 years)

·        Hibernate (1 years)

·        MySQL

Other technologies:

·        Ant, SecureCRT, DTS & SISS package, Crystal 10, Coherence, Log4J, LogBack, Junit, UML, Excel, VBA, Visual, Basic 6, Oracle DB, Microsoft SQL, Sybase, Ajax, CSS, Jquery, JBoss, WebLogic, Tomcat, JRun, Mercury, Git, SVN 

Expérience professionnelle

European Commission (Unysis)

The European Commission (EC) is the executive body of the European Union responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the EU treaties and managing the day-to-day business of the EU.


My duties: Manage technical architecture changes of legacy systems in liaise with all involved sectors including Integration, respond rapidly to the incoming defects and change requests, implementation of the encoded change request, provide support to the analysis of issues found in production;


Participate in the development of other IT systems.


Related  technologies: J2EE, SoapUI, Oracle Workflow, JIRA, XML, WebLogic, GWT, Log4J, Eclipse



Jul'13  –  Jan'15                                   Ocado, London, UK                                                  Analyst programmer


Ocado is the world’s largest dedicated online grocery retailer.


Projects and related technologies


Backend system of the Ocado mobile application, supplying the info required by the Andoid and iOS devices.

Maintaining and implementing new APIs to support new functionalities. I have been mainly developing java with Jersey framework + Sping and Guava.



New developments and maintainment of the back-end application which gives support to the Mobile (iOS and Android) applications that exposes its services with a REST API.


Cloud Rocket

Migration of Rocket code to the Amazon cloud, changing the architecture to micro services instead of libraries and web services calls.



Implementation of a new RESTful web service using Amazon cloudSearch to store the data to create, delete and update recipes.


Related  technologies: J2EE, Jersey, Spring MVC, RESTful, Guava, JIRA, Crucible, Tomcat, dynamoDb, cloudSearch, Log4J, IntelliJ


Aug ’11 – Jul'13                                    Indra, Madrid, Spain                                               Analyst programmer


Indra is an important company, the biggest Spanish IT enterprise by number of employees. Indra is organized around three business areas: Information Technologies, Simulation & Automatic Test Systems, and Defense Electronic Equipment.


Projects and related technologies


At Indra my responsibilities were to add new functionalities to the applications I worked with, maintain the application code (bugfixing), generate functional reports and take a part in the migration project.


Log improvement


The telecom market is very dynamic and the incidents need to be solved as soon as possible. To identify where a problem is and determine the reason a good logging practices are very important.


I add to the layout new variables such as the session ID to be able to follow progress of the users. I used a filter to load the variables into the MDC. Improve the information given, correct the log level and monitor the timing was also necessary.


Due to the improvements of LogBack over Log4J, we decided to migrate to LogBack. The problem was that the Billing components use the Commons HttpClient project to send the data. HttpClient works with the logging interface provided by the Commons Logging package which does not support LogBack. I had to add several bridging modules to behave as if they were made to the SLF4J API instead.


Related  technologies: J2EE, Struts, Spring MVC, Portlets,  JBoss, LogBack, Ant, Log4J, Commons Logging, HTML, Javascript, Eclipse, JSTL


Billing application


My main task was to monitor the user flow and ensure that the info retrieving in the application web was correct. I had to add a new functionality to the Billing tool in order to show the users the resume and details of their current salary balance. As the final TIBCO component called was different, a new request with new parameters was necessary. Also because the new request takes too long to be processed I had to use Ajax to avoid showing blank pages for too long.   


Related  technologies: J2EE, Struts, Spring MVC, Portlets,  JBoss, Weblogic,  TIBCO, LogBack, Coherence, Ant, Log4J, Commons Logging, HTML, Javascript, JQuery, Eclipse, Ajax, JSTL


Migration project


The mobile telecommunication company started to use a new Content Manager System. This new CMS needs the Portlet MVC framework to work, however all the web application had been developed with Struts 1.2 + Spring 2.


Due to the amount of logic and code one year and a half and team of eight were needed. We migrated the application to Spring Portlet MVC + annotations.


After that, my task l was to review the generated code to check that the application was steady, reliable and secure. This involved measuring the execution speed of the code, pointing out the bottlenecks, suggesting and implementing a more efficient thread safe solution.


Related  technologies: J2EE, Spring MVC, Portlets,  Weblogic,  TIBCO, JUnit, HIBERNATE, LogBack, Coherence, Commons Logging, HTML, Javascript, JQuery, Eclipse, Ajax, JSTL                          XML.


Mar ’10 – Aug ’11                 Michael page, Madrid, Spain                                                       Analyst Programmer


Michael Page is one of the world's leading professional recruitment consultancies, specializing in the placement of candidates in permanent, contract, temporary and interim positions with clients around the world.


Projects and related technologies


My responsibilities were to support both users and consultants (from Spain, Portugal, Turkey and Italy), elaborate requirement analysis and maintain the application code.


Web application for Room Scheduling

Master en Informatique

Projets réalisés par d

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