Profil du prestataire vision3210

Informations générales sur le prestataire vision3210

Nickname : vision3210
Type de structure : freelance qualifié
Date inscription : 29/05/2013
Dernière fois en ligne : 02/09/2015
Classement : classé 18 327ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Tags compétences


Profil détaillé du prestataire vision3210

Domaines de compétence

programming LANGUAGES and api:

java 6 api, Servlet api, jsp, jaxb, jms, ejb, jpa, jaxp, jta, jaas api, java rmi, java rpc, jndi, jax-ws, jmx, soap, rest webservices, jax-rs, JavaScript, css, php5, xquery, xlt, xml, xlst, uml, bpmn,  NewsML, Jquery, jfaces, jdbc api



svn, cvs, maven 2, ant, junit, hudson, drupal, liferay, joomla, modx, jenkis, Nagios, Hp openview, Avocent, SINFONY, vmware server, viprion 4480, F5,  NaviSphere, Kamailio ,OpenIms, dsview,  LBS, PEN, Riverdrums, Axis, Jetspeeds, Amazon webservices, google api, openbravo crm, matrimix, tuxedo, rational software architect, visual paradigm, mysql workbench, bonita bpmn.

database: MySQL 5, Oracle 10g & 11g, DB2, SQL Server 20012

Applications servers: Tomcat 7, Websphere, Weblogic, JBOSS 6, Glassfish 3, Sailfin

Protocols: H323, G711, SIP, SS7, RTCP, RTP, 802.3, 802.2, 802.11, FTTH, FTTO, FTTB, PON, GPON, 802.3, 802.2, 802.11, FTTH, FTTO, FTTB, PON, GPON, Gsm, GPRS, UMTS, IMS, EDGE, LTE

methodologies: DTMF, GDMO, CIM, ACIFO, ODP, CMMI, ITIL, ETOM, TMN, SOA, rup, crum, XP,

testing tools: ipanema, PacketStrom, IxChariot, IxLoad, IxNetwork

operating systems: Linux, Unix, CatOS, IOS, windows 2003 server, windows vista, windows 7


FRAMEWORKS: JSF2.0, SPRING 3, EJB2, EJB3, RPC, JPA, Hibernate, eclipselink, Ibatis, strust, pojo, hibernate, jpa, zend framework, eclipse, myfaces.

Business Knowledge


Banking: Accounting, retail, account & savings, lending, compliance, e-banking, mobile banking

Telecoms: Billing, provisioning, crm, mediation, qos assurance, operation


Functional Knowledge


Business/function analysis

Gathering: definition of business requirements, functional analysis.

architecture and design: software architect, database architect

Testing: Test Analysis, Test scenarios, test execution, functional testing

Project management: coordination, workshop leading, coaching

Expérience professionnelle

BuyWay – Bruxelles 02/14 – 03/14:                                                Java Developer

 Context: LynxSE project

The main goal of the project was to realize an update of the Lynxse web application. 

ü  Analyses and design according to functional requirements for the various use case of SAD business requirement using Visual paradigm.

ü  Development with the vaadin framework, the web interface of Lynxse application.

ü  Services components development: reportMouchard

ü  Customization of these services components: statMode, diffMode, MassMode. Unitary and integration

ü  Unitarian test implementation using Junit

ü  Code quality management using Sonar covering the 7 axes of code.

technical/Functional environment

Linux , UML,  Eclipse, JPA,  MYSQL 5, java j2ee, Maven 2, Hudson, EJB3, Servlets 3.0, JSP, JavaScript, Hibernate, Vaadin, JUnit, TagLib, XML, SQL, Log4j, SVN, JAXP, DOM, XSL, XSLT, SAAJ, JAX-R, Ant, Jboss6 as.

Alten Belgium:  10/12 – 07/13:                                                Java Developer

Context: ERP project implementation Openbravo based. The system should capture the new branch at the point of approval for new branches and particulars related to the new branches which will be essential to list out the essential standard Bill of Materials attached. The furniture and interior requirements thrown by the Bill of material explosion should also estimate the cost involved for it from the standard prices maintained for such assets 

ü  Business process identification: procurement business flow, supplier business flow, order business flow, customer return business flow, Inventory accuracy business flow, material and production requirements business flow, entering and reconciling bank statements business flow.

ü  Work flow determination and implementation using Visual paradigm.

ü  Creating Openbravo Modules and Windows.

ü  Creating Database Tables.

ü  Creating Tables and Columns in Openbravo and creating window tabs and fields.

ü  Writing Display logic and Read only logic.


ü  Writing Java Callout

  • Ciorane Paris – France 07/11 – 06/12                                                      Java Developer


    Context:  Mission Salescan project

    Java development with Framework Spring-batch of an application of accounting control of the data of the Hachette distributors


  • Development with tools POI for the generation of reports and dashboard tasks

  • Java development of the IHM for the consultation with jsp and Gwt

  • Implementation of the persistence layer with Hibernate

  • Unitarian tests, management phase of development with Maven 2


    Context: SAP Project

    Implementation of a validating accounting data tool and the injection in the SAP information system


  • Construction : IHM layer for the accounting validation with jsp and ExtJs, Tiles and spring web

  • Job oracle implementation: stores procedures implementation

    technical/Functional environment

    Linux Ubuntu, UML,  Eclipse, JPA,  SQL Server 2005, java j2ee, Maven 2, Hudson, EJB3, Servlets 3.0, JSP, JavaScript, Hibernate, Spring 3.0, JUnit, Tiles, JSF, TagLib, JSTL, XML, SQL, Oracle 10G, Log4j, SVN, JAXP, DOM, XSL, XSLT, SAAJ, JAX-R, Ant, Jboss6 as.


    CapGemini Paris –France from 07/10 – 07/11                                        Java Developer


    Context: Iris project

    Implementation of the reporting module on the 'IRIS' information system based on nuxeo tool with jasperserver


  • Client API development on the reporting module in REST webservices with AXIS 1.2 tool

  • Stored procedures development in oracle databases for the KPI pre-calcul

  • Jasperserver customization, Schedule of requests

  • Stored procedure for the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) purge


    technical/Functional environment

    JAVA 2/J2EE, Servlets 3.0, JSP, Spring 3.0, XML, NewsML, WML, WSDL, JAXB, Spring, JUnit, Ajax, Oracle 10G, Log4j, JAXP, DOM, XSL/XSLT, Maven 2, Hudson, Nuxeo, SOAP, Axis, Jasperserver, irepport, jrxml, Sql, Soap, Soa, nuxeo, linux, windows vista.


    SFR – Paris France from 01/09 – 03/10                                                  Java Developer


    Context: Urbanization of business Entity and business objects


  • Use of reference model of urbanism TMN, TOM, eTOM, NGOSS

  • Business process analysis using BPMN and UML

  • Use of reference model of quality management CMMI, ITIL, Cobit


    European Project UBIS: Conception of a middleware UBIS for Telco 2.0 service platform


  • Developed the generic abstraction model of the UBIS integration platform core components.

  • Based on the generic abstraction model , developed the broker service responsible of mediating messages from plugged/registered client services and execute intermediate task

  • Business rules mapping with Tuxedo

    technical/Functional environment

    JAVA/J2EE, EJB, Servlets/JSP, Hibernate, Eclipse, openIMS, JUnit, HTML, DB2, Postfix, Tomcat - Apache, XML, WebLogic, Linux, Windows, UML, JAVA 2/J2EE, JSP, spring 3.0, XML, Ajax, XSL/XSLT, Maven 2, Hudson, tuxedo, Geodata api, clicktocall API, geospatial api, MCO location, MCO enabler


    VISIONTÉLÉCOM CAMEROUN from 02/01 - 07/06              Networks and system administrator


    Context: Project Cécofid Bank - Administration of ten servers HP Proliant on Debian, RedHat/Centos and Windows NT server


  • Servers installation and administration: OpenLdap, Squid, ApacheHTTP, Samba on Debian  and migration of the data of the server NIS towards LDAP

  • Deployment of a proxy (Squid) and configuration of a DMZ

  • Follow-up, tests and monitoring of the applications and the Oracle and MYSQL instance


    Context: IPBX project for the telephone network of the FNE in Yaoundé and Douala and integration of an interactive voice server (SVI)


  • integration of products OCMP,3PCC server and MCU, asterisk integration, OpenSER, HeartBeat

  • Installation and management of the Web platform: LAMP server, Bind9, Dhcp, samba, Nfs.

  • Implementation of a tool of supervision with Nagios

    technical/Functional environment

    Linux, MySQL, XML, HTML, H323, Asterisk, IAX, DUNDi, ISDN, OpenLDAP, Apache, XML-RPC, Perl, Asterisk, SIP, TCP/IP, DHCP, Radius, Sécurité, Router CISCO 3800, Cisco 2950, Cisco PIX 535, Bind9, Ldap, OpenVpn, Horde


    LUCO COORPORATION     Cameroun from 06/99 – 01/01    Networks and system administrator


    System and networks administrator

  • Installation, maintenance and configuration of the PBX siemens iPATH

  • Deployment of a network NOC and a management of the addressing plan

  • VSAT Checking Series iNFINITI 7000 and configuration of the AMC-12 and RASCOM-QAF1


    CAMEROON TELECOMMUNICATIONS    from 04/94 - 06/96                Network administrator


  • Management of the network and the services Telecom to Ebolowa – Cameroon

  • Administration of platforms dedicated and mutualized customers, configuration and management of links WAN (ATM, Frame-Relay)


2010 : Mastère spécialisé Architecte Télécom orienté multiservices - Télécom ParisTech -paris

2008 : Master Informatique – Esig Paris

2003 : Bachelor Informatique – HECI

1999 : bts en réseaux de télécommunications

Projets réalisés par vision3210

Portfolio en ligne du prestataire 'vision3210'

 Titre : Développement logiciel
 Description : projet de développement web en java. Objectif: Ajout d'un nouveau module à l'erp afin d'effectuer un certain nombre de traitement sur les fichiers ventes avant injection à SAP.
 Type projet : applications
 Thème projet : logiciels
 Durée : quelques mois
 Budget : 50 000 €
 Date : 09/11/2015

projet de développement web en java. 
Ajout d'un nouveau module à l'erp afin d'effectuer un certain nombre de traitement sur les fichiers ventes avant injection à SAP.

 Titre : LYNXSE
 Description :
 Type projet : applications
 Thème projet : logiciels
 Durée : quelques mois
 Budget : 25 000 €
 Date : 29/01/2016

 Titre : Projet IRIS
 Description :
 Type projet : applications
 Thème projet : logiciels
 Durée : quelques mois
 Budget : 65 000 €
 Date : 19/09/2018

 Titre : UBIS
 Description :
 Type projet : applications
 Thème projet : logiciels
 Durée : quelques mois
 Budget : 85 000 €
 Date : 09/11/2015

Références clients certifiées

Titre du projet : LYNXSE

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