Profil du prestataire martamonica

Informations générales sur le prestataire martamonica

Nickname : martamonica
Date inscription : 16/07/2008
Dernière fois en ligne : 24/11/2017
Classement : classé 36 933ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire martamonica

Domaines de compétence

Langages de programation: Java, J2ME, JSP, Servlet, XML, Visual C#, C/C++, Pascal, Lisp, Prolog, 80x86 Assembly Language, Html, Php, Matlab, Mapple

Systemes d'exploitation: Windows, Linux

Gestion de bases de donnees: Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Microsoft Access, Fox Pro

Generale: Vue d'ensemble de l'echelle des systemes informatiques et des technologies connexes

Langue maternelle: roumaine

Connu langues etrangeres (Parlee, Ecrite, Lue, Comprise): Anglais (Excellent, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent) - CAE certificat de niveau C, Francais (Debutant, Debutant, Debutant, Debutant), Allemand (Bien, Bien, Bien, Bien), Espagnol (Bien, Bien, Bien, Bien), Italien (Bien, Bien, Bien, Bien)




Expérience professionnelle

This is the abstract of my bachelor degree thesis, called "Object-oriented logic programming":  

ABSTRACT. The first chapter describes the goals of my bachelor degree thesis, „Object-Oriented Logic Programming”, namely presenting the reasons why we can consider the combination of logic and object-oriented paradigms as a great alternative to Java, as well as bringing some arguments for choosing multiparadigm programming as a possible solution for ending the software crisis. Chapter 2 reveals the software crisis and the programming paradigms (imperative, functional, logic and object-oriented), followed by some arguments for considering multi-paradigm programming as a possible solution for exiting the crisis. Continuing with chapter 3, it describes a short history of extending logic programming in the direction of object-oriented programming (including Hayes' frames logic, “isa” interpretation, Zaniolo's objects, POL's system, LOGIN language), as well as some object-oriented logic languages (SICStus Prolog, LOOP, Actor Prolog and Trinc-Prolog) and some object-oriented extensions to Prolog (Logtalk and XPCE). Furthermore, chapter 4 shows the examples that I implemented in Logtalk having SWI-Prolog as the back-end Prolog compiler, along with the examples in Trinc-Prolog. All these are tested in comparison with the corresponding Java implementation. The results of testing these problems are explained and some relevant conclusions are drawn. Chapter 5 deals with the game of Checkers, that I have chosen to implement in order to prove the advantages of choosing the combination of logic and object-oriented paradigms instead of the classical Java approach nowadays. It starts with a history of the game and explains  its rules, continues with the problem analysis and design (including diagrams for use cases, system behavior, sequence and class), describes the problem implementation in J2ME and then in SWI-Prolog with Logtalk. Moreover, it explains the difficulties that I encountered while working with JIProlog and the client-server alternative that I have chosen instead of it. Chapter 6 describes the results that I obtained while testing the Minimax Alpha-Beta algorithm for Checkers on Java Mobile (J2ME) implemented in Java versus the corresponding SWI-Prolog with Logtalk approach. Finally, Chapter 7 points out the final conclusions that summarize the major contributions of this thesis and presents a road-map for future development.



2008 – 2010 (Futur formation) Université Denis-Diderot (7), Paris Master en Informatique

2004 - 2008 Université Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, ROUMANIE, Informatique en anglais, Licence obtenu avec 9.88

2000 - 2004 Le Lycée "Liviu Rebreanu", Bistriţa, Mathématique et Informatique

1992 - 2000 École Numéro 4, Bistriţa, Mathématique

Participations de Concours et Certificats

Mai, 22-25 2008 M. M. DOGARU, A. A. LUPUT: "Intelligent Robots - Applying AI Game Techniques", 2008 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics AQTR 2008- THETA 16th edition -, Cluj-Napoca, ROUMANIE

Décembre 2003 - CAE (Advanced Certificate in English) - Niveau C

Juin 2004 - Attestation d’Assistant Analyste programmateur, note parfait (10.00)

30 Mai 2003 - Le premier prix á l’anglais concours, dans la phase du Bistriţa-Năsăud comté, en 11eme classe

Mai 2002 - Participation au concours national de la langue roumaine, "Mihai Eminescu", dans la phase nationale, Iaşi, Iaşi comté, en 10eme année

Février 2002 - Le premier prix, au concours national de la langue roumaine, "Mihai Eminescu", dans la phase du Bistriţa-Năsăud comté, en 10eme année

27 Mars 2001 - Mention, á l’anglais concours, dans la phase du Bistriţa-Năsăud comté, en 9eme classe

12 - 14 Juillet 2002 - Le premier prix du Streetball, dans l'équipe de basketball ”G Team”, dans le festival "Bistriţa Célébration des journées de la ville"


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