Profil du prestataire gayarime

Informations générales sur le prestataire gayarime

Nickname : gayarime
Type de structure : freelance qualifié
Date inscription : 04/11/2009
Dernière fois en ligne : 10/05/2016
Classement : classé 28 473ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

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Profil détaillé du prestataire gayarime

Domaines de compétence
· Language: C++ (MS Visual C++ 2008, Borland C++ 5.0, MipsPRO C/C++ 7.2,IBM XlC++, IBM Visual Age for C++ 4, GCC 4.3)
Very good C++ skill, including the latest enhancements (ISO/ANSI 98 standard).
C++ GUI frameworks: GTK2, wxWindows 2, Microsoft’s MFC, Borland’s OWL, Roguewave - Stingray library, ATL2.1, Microsoft COM+ Components programming

· Microsoft’s . NET :
Language: C# / .NET Framework 3.0
Compiler: Ms C# 7 & Mono
Good experience in writing C# web services

· Language: Basic (MS Visual Basic 7)
GUI programming with COM+ components, database access through OLE/DB or DAO

· Language JAVA (SUN JDK/JRE 6, IBM RAD 6, Borland J/Builder 9, GCC 4.0, MyEclipse 7, Eclipse 3.4)
Very good J2EE skill including the latest J2SE/J2EE 1.6 enhancements (Annotation, NIO,StAX,JAX-WS).
Applet/Application programming for web applications using AWT and Swing.
Frameworks: Cocoon, Seam, Struts, Spring
Persistance: Hibernate 3, Java Persistance API
JSSE,JCE – security & encryption / cryptography api
JAAS – authentication & security
JDBC - SQL Database access (up to JDBC type 4)
JAXB (Xml Binding)
JNDI & JNDI->LDAP & SPI Netscape Directory Server API (LDAP)
JNI to interface to C/C++ applications.
Apache LOG4j: logging library
Apache Lucene: core search engine
UDDI4j: universal description discovery integration APIs
JMS 1.1: ActiveMQ 5.2, OpenJMS, SonicMQ
ORB : SUN’s Corba implementation and Borland Visibroker 4
GUI: AWT, SWING, SWTs: Graph2d/3d, JavaMail, Xerces, Xalan,Saxon, Catalina, Servlet API, Portlet API, Castor, EJB 3, BSF, Apache commons, Apache Velocity, ANT 1.6, Maven, Mylin

· Language HTML, VRML 2, Javascript 1.5, VB Script, Perl 5, ASP, PHP
HTML/DHTML : Web development (HTML 4, Form’s, CGI bins)
Javascript 1.5: Very good knowledge of Javascript (including exception handling, dom) +
JQuery + Ext Js
PERL 5 : Good knowxledge of this interpreted language, used for web server side programming. (objects, dbms and socket programming)

· Operating system :
Windows XP/2003/Vista : installation + administration and programming
SGI IRIX 6.5 : installation + administration and programming
SUN Solaris 10: installation + administration and programming
IBM AIX 5.3: installation + administration and programming
Linux : installation + administration, programming and modules and kernel 2.6 new architecture
HP-UX 11: installation + programming + Digital-Unix 4d: installation + programming

· API/Classes
OPENGL 1.5/2: 2d/3d programming library : very good skill
OpenSSL 1.9.6 : DES/3, RSA RC4+RC5,TLS,IDEA, SHA, X509 v3 – security & encryption library
Lotus NOTES SDK 2.2: programming Notes add-ons and integration with third party products using C++ and Java.
WebTOP5 : Documentum WebTop 5 framework: medium skill
DFC5,WDK5 : Documentum Fundation Class to connect to the content management system, Documentum 4i/5 – good skill
OpenMP: Parallel Processing for C++

Sybase SQL/Anywhere 12– programming via SQL-C or CLI/ODBC
Oracle 7.3-10i – programming via ProC, OCI and JDBC
Informix 7 SE – programming via SQLC or CLI
IBM DB2 universal database v.9 – programming via CLI (+ DLL for external stored procedure) and JDBC
Postgres SQL 8.2 – programming via JDBC/PERL 5/C++
Microsoft SQL Server 6.5, 7.0,2000,2005,2008 – programming via OleDB, CLI/ODBC, DAO and JDBC
MySQL 5.1/6 – programming via JDBC – slave/master replication – clustering – fine tuning

· Application Server
IBM WebSphere 4/5.1/6 – very good skill (fine tuning, security, monitoring)
+ Admin scripting (programming using JACL/TCL)
+ WebSphere Cache Manager
Apache Tomcat 4/5.5/6 – very good skill (debugging, optimization, deployment, APIs,…)
Borland BES 5.2 – medium skill (install & deployment)
SUN J2EE 1.5 – very good skill
WebLogic 9 – good skill
IIS 7 – (ASP/ASPX) medium skill

· Portal Server
IBM WebSphere Portal Server 4.2/5.1/6 – theme customization, security and pages setup, portlet publishing
Apache JetSpeed 1.4/2 – theme customization, security and pages setup, portlet publishing
Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007 – Theme customization, Create sites, pages, document, list and KPI publishing + Forms creation. Publish content using Microsoft Sharepoint Services v3 (webservices)

· BI - Reporting
Jasper ETL (Talend)

· Bank ing Packages
Odyssey TrippleA 4.11, Odyssey TASC 2.10.2
Odyssey PMA,CACM,CDM,IPA,Hearth,Components 1.30 – architecture, security, deployment, programming, customization

· WebServices
Apache SOAP 2.3 – very good skill
Apache AXIS 1.2/2– very good skill
SAAJ – Mime encapsulation and encoding for SOAP attachments
Microsoft SOAP toolkit 2 – good skill
Microsoft .NET (using C# / – good skill
JaxME 2 – good skill
IBM Web Service ToolKit (WSTK 3) including UDDI4j and WSDL4j– good skill

· Methodology
RUP - Rational Rose U.P. 2002 (UML & Project Cycle Management)
Rational XDE - UML: Class, Use-case, Sequence, Collaboration, State and activity diagram
Pragmatica 7, OMT & Booch, Component design (IDL), Web Development Methodology
XP/Agile Methodology : Scrum / Product backlog, Spring backlog, Sprint, Working increment

· Debugging
GnuDB: debugging, watch points, back traces, stack, …
Parasoft Insure: runtime/compile time debugging, and memory state checking
Assembler: x86 (real and protected mode)
Apache Jmeter (web applications profiling)
Jprofiler (java runtime profiling)

· Unit Testing
Parasoft C++ Wizard
Parasoft C++ Test
Jakarta Junit 4
Jakarta Maven

· Software deployement
InstallShield 2000 professional
InstallAnyWhere (ZeroG) – multiplatform java based deployment
JAR (pack200) /WAR/EAR

· Software configuration manager
PCVS (Merant PCVS Version Manager/Tracker)
VSS (Visual Source Safe)
SVN (SubVersion)

XML, DTD, XSLT/XSL, W3 Schema, Xquery, Xpath, RSS/RDF, JDF

Other XML related features:
BPML, XCBL 4, OASIS ebXML, BizTalk 2008, SOAP 1.2, WSDL, UDDI 2, SAP R/3 XML Schemas, REUTERS Investor (RIF), PapiNet, OTA - Open Travel Alliance, Visa Invoice XML, eCH e-governement

Expérience professionnelle
>Senior Consultant - J2EE Developer – Architect
BEDAG / Bern – (8/2009 to present)
1. Improve the application architecture
2. Improve the quality of the application
MyEclipse 7.5, Tomcat, MSSQL, Spring, ActiveMQ, Jax WS, Maven2

> Senior Consultant - J2EE Developer – Architect
JP.Morgan Chase / Geneva – Group International Private Banking (5/2009 to 7/2009)
1. Optimize the performance of the application
2. Develop funds trading feature
Eclipse 3.4, IBM WebSphere +WebSphere Portal Server, Sybase, Swing, Maven 2, ANT,
Apache HTTPD
> Senior Consultant - J2EE Developer – Architect
Merck Serono / Geneva – Group Architecture and Engineering (from 6/2008 to 4/2009)
1) Develop BI Monitoring platform that controls Informatica and exposes SOA services to the whole group (Apache, AXIS, Struts, Oracle, Hibernate, Informatica WebService hub, Informatica, Active Directory, Java, Eclipse, Subversion).
2) Develop EDM document lifecycle workflow for clinical trial + Document rendering (Apache, Documentum, WebTop+WDK+DFC 5.3, Java, iText, Subversion)
3) Several technical refresh projects (moving from AIX/Windows WebSphere/Weblogic to Linux/Apache)
> Senior Lead Consultant - J2EE Developer - Architect
Odyssey Group – Lausanne / Switzerland (from 8/2005)
1) Lead Consultant on project for the Bank BSI, Renaissance Capital/Moscow and ABN Luxembourg & Zürich
2) Assist the client during the analysis phase
3) Develop and customise the software Advisor (PM,Workflow,CMS)
4) Design the architecture
5) Design the security
6) Design the integration architecture between the back-office systems and the new software
7) Prepare tasks and detailed technical specification for the development team (7 people)
IBM RAD 6, IBM WebSphere 5.1, WebLogic 8.2, Sybase 12, Cocoon, EJB 2,
Advisor 1.30, Ms Project, Axure RapidPrototyping, ActivCard, BountyCastle security,
Ms Active Directory, SubVersion, JIRA
> Senior Consultant - J2EE Deployment Architect
Union Bank of Switzerland – UBS / Zürich / Switzerland (from 2/2005 to 7/2005)
1) Improve the J2EE/WS Portal Server applications deployment platform
2) Document existing and new workflow processes
3) Improve deployment security
IBM WebSphere App.Server 5.1 (high availability clustering),
IBM WebSphere Portal Server 5.2, Oracle 9i, IBM DB2 8.2, JACL/TCL script,
IBM WebSphere EDGE components, EJB 2, J2EE, IBM WSAD 5.1, IBM OS/390,
> Senior Consultant – J2EE Integration Architect
CPI Group (Book printing - #1 in Europe) / Paris / France (1/2005)
1) Design the integration strategy between CPI Group (+its factories) and its customers.
2) Recommends the integration standards to use
3) Design the data mapping and transformation between the players
4) Setup EAI - APIM - environment and validation testing
> Senior Consultant – Security Expert
Ferrier Lullin & Cie. SA (Private Banking) / Switzerland (12/2004)
My role was to crack the banking security for both application and infrastructure; then to deliver a report with recommendations and guide lines.
> Senior Consultant – J2EE Developer - Architect
Unicible SA (Private Banking dep.) / Switzerland (from 04/2004 to 12/2004)
1) Design and manage the Application & Data Security architecture (JAAS + Custom realm)
2) Develop and extends existing J2EE application (Private Banking Web Application
3) Develop and extends out-of-the-box Cocoon based application (Bank Advisory platform)
4) Restructure the environment of development and automate application & documentation deployment/publishing processes
5) Optimize application performance (WAS/JProfiler3)
Environment: Odyssey Tripple’A 4.11, Odyssey Advisor 1.0.2, IBM WSAD 5.1,
IBM WAS 4.0.7/5, PVCS, Apache ANT 1.6, Jakarta Cocoon 2.1, XML Spy 2004,
Corda PopChart 5.2, Actuate 7,SUN Solaris 8, HP UX 11i, Sybase 12.5 ASE,
Sybase OpenServer, Jakarta Struts 1.1, IBM - Rational Rose
> Senior Consultant – J2EE Developer - Architect
Bank Pictet & Cie SA / Switzerland (from 04/2004 to 04/2004)
1) Design the enterprise LDAP structure, replication strategy between legacy application and standard messaging through MQ/Series.
2) Technical analysis, Documentation, Post Doc.
3) Develop a MQ broker on the publish/subscribe model to synchronize information between the enterprise LDAP directory, the Human Resource management module, the groupware data source.
J2EE, MQ/Series, ControlStation, Oracle 9i, log4j, Eclipse 3, Rational XDE, Jfreechart
> Senior Consultant – J2EE Architect
CTI / Etat de Genève / Switzerland (11/2003 to 02/2004)
1) Develop a fully functional prototype BPM Portal (Business Process Management) to validate the choice of a Workflow product. The project aims to manage the requests of authorization for building construction or modification.
2) Technical analysis
3) Design the Workflow and business rules
4) Develop the Portal
J2EE, Struts 1.1, JSTL, Borland Enterprise Server 5.2, EJB 2,JBuilder 9, APIM 5.0, SUN Solaris 8
> Senior Consultant – J2EE Developer - Architect
Bank Pictet & Cie SA / Switzerland (11/2002 to 11/2003)
1) Develop the Corporate Intranet Portal
2) Create development guidelines
3) Design the application with UML
4) Develop Portlets to deliver the content coming from:
a. Lotus Notes databases
b. Documentum 4i (the second largest Documentum DocBase worldwide),
c. Corporate Image database (Extensis Portfolio Server 5) – develop J2EE to deal with Portfolio Server.
d. Reuters Financial Service – provide real-time quotes & indexes
e. Enterprise directory – white pages (LDAP)
5) Develop features as: in context editing, Site Search (relevance indices, Bayesian stats and dynamic taxonomy matching)
6) Interface Lotus Notes & Domino 6 views & forms using Java API’s.
7) Coordinate Business and IT department
8) AIX production servers fine-tuning & stress testing
9) Documentum 4 client / server servers fine-tuning & stress testing
10) Manage environment security (tunneling, cryptography API’s), clustering and fail-safe guarantee
IBM WebSphere Portal Server 4.2, IBM WebSphere Application Server 4;
IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer 4.3 (Java Beans, Portlet toolkit,Servlets,
…), BEA WebLogic 7,Oracle 9, IBM DB2 8.
> Director of Software Development
ProcessSoft SA / Switzerland (12/2001 to 11/2002)
1) Design the architecture of a brand new workflow product.
2) Manage a team of 4 programmers
3) Create both business and technical specifications and keep track of documentation afterwards.
4) Develop J2EE server application using Apache Tomcat 4.0.4 and Apache SOAP 2.0.
5) Develop Enterprise Java Beans shared by the application server and the SOAP (Web Services) server.
6) Develop several packages with Microsoft C# (Lotus Notes 6 forms interface and database browser, SOAP client, workflow publishing using .NET web service client features,…)
7) Define company wide development standards and environments.
> Chief Technology Officer
accSell Corporation / Switzerland (1/2000 to 11/2001)
1) Set up the team from scratch: analysis, development, documentation, support and test team
2) Manage and motivate this team (up to 24 persons in the development team)
3) Manage project status, tasks and the budget using Microsoft Project 2000
4) Market research, competition analysis and tracking reports
5) Design software architecture (Pragmatica UML)
6) Develop server applications (Software Development Kit, IsApi filters, Windows services, Unix deamons, Multi-threading (Win/Unix), Garbage Collector, Cgi-bin interfaces, DBMS drivers, Secure Transaction for Online Payment, XML parser, COM+ components for transaction server) and port the whole software from Ms Windows 2000 to Linux, Sun Solaris, SGI Irix, HPUX, Digital Unix and AIX.
7) Programming in C++ & J2EE
8) Guide development of several products eBusiness Products: eCommerce B2C and B2B, eProcurement, eAuction, eMarketing (datamining, click stream),
Business Process Manager.
9) Work with US lawyers to fill patent for a brand new BPM technology on the US market.
10) Road show (product & technology presentation in various international trade show)
11) Initial IT setup for the company, including Windows NT/2000 setup, LAN and VPN topology for three different companies with different access rights, Windows 2000 resource editor & Internet Explorer IEAK 5.5, Internet connection through leased line, with router, firewall (IPChains) + attack detection, SMS 2.0 deployment of different applications (Ms Office, DevStudio, WinCVS,….) and updates. Use of OpenLDAP service, Samba 2.x FileSystem, Server profiles stored on the domain controller.
> C++ Analyst Programmer / Team Manager
Asset Management Tool at Deutsche Bank Private Banking – (1/1998 to 12/1999)
The challenge was to:
1) Restructure the application architecture to create an internationalized version of the product
2) Speed up the 10 hours daily processing using parallel programming on IBM SP/2 servers (at the end a 400% gain was delivered), Manage a team of 4 developpers.

Business knowledge:
Asset management and financial instruments:
- snapshots / positions, money market, securities, bonds, derivatives, long/short term call

1) C++ programming, Use Rational Rose (Booch & UML) for modeling, C++ Roguewave Libraries
2) DBMS Interface using OCI and DBTools 7

As a parallel activity: Manage the IT setup for the Asset Management Group during the Spin off of DB to DBPB. Including server installation & migration (IBM RS/6000), Windows NT Build and Development Environment.
CV complet sur demande....

Analyste - Développeur / Architecte J2EE

Expertise J2EE, Performance d'applications serveur, Architecture, Securité applicative.

15 ans d'expérience de développement informatique.

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