Extrait de son profil ( GESTION SCORE JAVA ) : ...?leur siemens, ARM, Philips,? d?veloppement mobile (Android)) 1 an syst?me d'information (PHP, JAVA, base de donn?es, UML) 2 ans consultant ......ammations Assembleur, C, Microcontr?leurs (?C siemens C167 CR, ?c Philips LPC 2294), C++, JAVA, JAVA Script, Visual Basic, Python, RTRT, FPGA, VHDL, Android, PHP (JSON) Technol......ons Assembleur, C, Microcontr?leurs (?C siemens C167 CR, ?c Philips LPC 2294), C++, JAVA, JAVA Script, Visual Basic, Python, RTRT, FPGA, VHDL, Android, PHP (JSON) Technologies ...... d?veloppements Microsoft Visual Studio, Keil ?Vision, IAR Embedded Workbench, Eclipse (JAVA, C), MATLAB, EAGLE, QUARTUS, ADS, Dave Infineon Technology, Rational Rose, PSPICE. ...
Classé : 31 908ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( GESTION SCORE JAVA ) : ...Maintaining and implementing new APIs to support new functionalities. I have been mainly developing JAVA with Jersey framework + Sping and Guava. ? Rocket New developments and maintainment of the b......chnologies: J2EE, Struts, Spring MVC, Portlets,? JBoss, LogBack, Ant, Log4J, Commons Logging, HTML, JAVAscript, Eclipse, JSTL ? Billing application ? My main task was to monitor the user flow and ......ing MVC, Portlets,? JBoss, Weblogic,? TIBCO, LogBack, Coherence, Ant, Log4J, Commons Logging, HTML, JAVAscript, JQuery, Eclipse, Ajax, JSTL ? Migration project ? The mobile telecommunication compa......ring MVC, Portlets, ?Weblogic,? TIBCO, JUnit, HIBERNATE, LogBack, Coherence, Commons Logging, HTML, JAVAscript, JQuery, Eclipse, Ajax, JSTL????????????????????????? XML. ? Mar ’10 – Aug ...
Classé : 5 892ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( GESTION SCORE JAVA ) : ...nnelles : 7ans d'experiences dans le domaine de developpement web et mobile?-Technologies : PHP,JAVASCRIPT,SYMFONY,LARAVEL,CODEIGNIT ER,MYSQL,POSTGRES,SQL,MONGODB, WORDPRESS,PRESTASHOP,MAGENTO,NOD......DEIGNIT ER,MYSQL,POSTGRES,SQL,MONGODB, WORDPRESS,PRESTASHOP,MAGENTO,NODEJS,ANGU LAR,REACT,EXPRESSJS,JAVA,C,C++,C#-Nos anciens clients :?https://leclub-biotope.com,?https://ww w.homecore.com/fr/,?https......rance.com/index.php,?http://www.asocs.in fo/, http://infostatsante.org, http://www.groupito.com?PHP,JAVASCRIPT,S YMFONY,LARAVEL,CODEIGNITER,MYSQL,POSTGRE S,SQL,MONGODB, WORDPRESS,PRESTASHOP,MAGENTO,NO......DEIGNITER,MYSQL,POSTGRE S,SQL,MONGODB, WORDPRESS,PRESTASHOP,MAGENTO,NODEJS,ANGU LAR,REACT,EXPRESSJS,JAVA,C,C++,C#...