Profil du prestataire ces-softgroup

Informations générales sur le prestataire ces-softgroup

Nickname : ces-softgroup
Type de structure : non spécifié/autre
Date inscription : 17/10/2009
Dernière fois en ligne : 22/06/2010
Classement : classé 56 035ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire ces-softgroup

Domaines de compétence

Computer skills:


  • Web:html,xhtml,css,xsl,xml,php,php5,jsp, strust,beans,servlet,jsf hebernet
  • Data base: oracle10g,mysql,plsql, trigger
  • Programming languages:C++,Java,J2ee,Prolog,Perl,Pyth on,Ruby,Dotnet,Asp,C#,Sql
  • Operating Systems:Unix,Windows


Expérience professionnelle


  • Voip application for meeting and conferences (Java,Jmf,Rtp,Jni,Dll)
  • secured Irc robot network (client interface ,server, Bot ) (c++,MFC)
  • Visidia extension(radio network simulator) (Java)
  • Carthage Festival web site
  • implementation of MAc protocol 802.11 wifi
  • radio/TV streaming web site
  • ...


CES-SoftGroup: Computer and engineering services-software group is comitted to providing its clients efficient and economic solutions to wide variety of projects with high quality information technology and strive to ensure the deadlines. CES-SoftGroup specialize in computer and telecom technology, possess the needed experience and technical knowledge to quickly meet your project goal. Our main focus is especialy consacreted to software development, web creation, data base management, performing analysis and improvement.

CES-SoftGroup members profiles includes:
-Computer Genius Engineer
-Telecom Engineer
-Computer Image Processing Engineer
-Computer Network Engineer

Just send us your specification and we will get back to you with detailed proposal

Projets réalisés par ces-softgroup

Portfolio en ligne du prestataire 'ces-softgroup'

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