Profil du prestataire dkhanh

Informations générales sur le prestataire dkhanh

Nickname : dkhanh
Type de structure : travailleur occasionnel
Date inscription : 05/10/2009
Dernière fois en ligne : 25/04/2023
Classement : classé 3 224ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Tags compétences


Profil détaillé du prestataire dkhanh

Domaines de compétence


v  Personal Summary

Agile Software tester, my background has allowed me to acquire a certain technical expertise and a know-how that has constantly evolved over the course of projects. With a little more technical profile, I quickly oriented to Microsoft technologies and Scrum Agile methodologies in recent years. Testing was always present in all the projects with different topics like functional, integration, regression or automation test


Always listening, I am concerned with quality work, effective solutions to meet the needs of the story. My desire to learn continuously in all areas allows me to share my knowledge and learn from my colleagues.



v  IT Competences

♦Scrum Agile Methodology ♦Testing of Web applications: Front-end and Back-end side.

♦JIRA ♦Zephyr ♦Cucumber/Gherkins ♦SauceLabs ♦Selenium Grid  

♦Agile Testing ♦IBM Rational Functional Test tools ♦Java ♦Eclipse IDE ♦GIT
♦Test Automation / Selenium IDE / Selenium web driver - app. testing C# & Java / Maven ♦JUnit
♦HP Quality Centre 11 – ALM tools  / HP QTP  ♦ASP Unit Test ♦SOAPUI Test

♦MS Dynamics 365 / CRM / NAV ♦ SOA Web services REST/SOAP

♦MS SQL Server 2017 ♦MS BI – SSRS ♦TSQL
♦C# ♦ASP.NET ♦XML/XSLT/XSD ♦HTML5 ♦JavaScript ♦JQuery ♦VBScript ♦VB6
♦WinForms ♦LINQ ♦ADO ♦Entity Framework

♦MS Visual Studio 2017 ♦SVN GIT ♦MS TFS ♦IIS ♦Hyper-V
♦Confluence ♦Bug tracker ♦Data encryption with single and multiple keys


Expérience professionnelle

09/2018 – Today -  European Commission

Agile Test Automation Analyst developer (Freelance)


=> for more detaisl :




Graduat en Informatique de gestion (Bac +3)

Certifications Microsoft MCP Dynamics CRM 2013 (configiuration/core/extended) - 06/2014

Certified International Software Testing Qualification Board® (ISTQB®)  - 09/2018

Projets réalisés par dkhanh

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