Profil du prestataire progworld

Informations générales sur le prestataire progworld

Nickname : progworld
Type de structure : auto-entrepreneur
Date inscription : 02/05/2010
Dernière fois en ligne : 21/02/2011
Classement : classé 54 243ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire progworld

Domaines de compétence
Expérience professionnelle

· March 2010 - April 2010 : SAP Business Objects

Job title : Technical consultant

Type of Benefit : Project Olympus BPC 10.0 – Controls and Consolidation

Creating new control functionality Finance

development Abap Object BW

SOA – RESTful architectures


REST development resources

XML development transformation

Environment : SAP BW 7.0

· January 2010 - February 2010: Aviation Industry

Job title : Technico-fonctional consultant

Type of Benefit : Abap development

- User-Exit management alert messages on transaction ME51N, ME52N,

ME21N, ME22N, ME38, ME31K, ME32K, ME38, VA11, VA12, VA21, VA22,

VA31, VA32, VA41, VA42, VL01N, VL02N

- Module search function classifications configurations from the article

grouping linked to a advice service

- Abap report management and configuration of operating ranges

- Abap report allowing posed mass of equipments following configuration MPL (IPPE)


- Abap report for establishing of commercial quote 

Environment : SAP ECC 6.0

· July 2009 - October 2009 : Automotive industry

Job title : Technico-fonctional consultant

Type of benefit : Development WebDynpro / BSP application (Abap, javascript)

                                 - Automated translation of the Web CRM catalog.

                                 - emploie API google traduction

Development report Abap of photo management to Web CRM catalog items

Environment : SAP ECC 6.0

· January 2009 – June 2009: Distribution

Job title : Technico-fonctional consultant

Type of benefit : Fonctional support FI SD MM

Development report Abap, AOO, on module FI SD MM :

- Management of stock movement

- Accounting billing sale

- calculation billing discrepancy, inventory, accounting

Environment : SAP ECC 6.0

· July 2008 - January 2009 : Automotive industry – PSA Peugeot Citroën

Job title : Technico-funcional consultant

Type of benefit : BW – Process Chain Optimization critical flux for data integration in the international system, reporting development, functional analysis, ABAP development.

BW – BPS Budgeting resources

Budgeting projects

Administration, Maintenance

MM/SD – Functional analysis, ABAP development.

FI/CO Functional analysis, ABAP development.

Environnement : SAP 4.6c, BW 3.5

· April 2008 - June 2008 : Petrochemical Industry

Job title : Technical consultant

Type of benefit : SD changes SMARTFORM forms (form "Invoice"), SAP interface CABARET (base

article, transferts of stock).

MM – interface to create the purchase order, liste of charateristics for finished products, form

"purchase order", data recovery for customer sales forecasts.

Environment : SAP ECC 6.0

· March 2008 : Electronics Industry

Job title : BW Consultant

Type of benefit : Creation of cubes MM and SD

Environment : BW 7.0

· September 2007 - February 2008 : Automotive Industry - VALEO

Job title : BW Consultant - Administrator

Type of benefit : Maintenance management BW system associated with three production sites

Evolution Cube MM SD PP CO

Evolution and creation Reporting MM SD PP CO

Environment : BW 3.5

· June - August 2007: Electronics Industry

Job title : ABAP Consultant

Type of benefit : Development of specific program supplier evaluation replacing the standard fonctionality :

§ retrieve opinions suppliers in SAP

§ retrieve dates and quantities to be and being delivred

§ retrieve times and quantities of tolerance

§ calculation of supplier evaluation

§ report of evaluation result on ALV grid

Environment : SAP ECC 6.0

· June 2007: Transport

Job title : ABAP Consultant

Type of benefit : ABAP development MM/PP :

add features on a existing development in order to facilitate the piloting of production orders

copying and modification of standard for correction calculation and updating of data

copying and correcting any existing anomalies, and implementation

Oss notes.

Environment : SAP ECC 6.0

ACCENTURE - SSII october 2005 - May 2007

Job title : ABAP Consultant

Type of benefit : ABAP development on SAP ISU and CRM within the projects SIMM EDF linked of the opening of

the energy market.

Environnement : SAP R/3 4.6 c

Abap development project centralization and transcoding of accounting data for migration system

MainFrame to Sap.

Deploying test case with IBM Functional Rationnal (Tests extensions on SAP application).

Writing test cases on TestDirector and correcting the defficiences

Writing specifications detailed technical designs

e - finances february 2005 - july 2005

Job title : Analyst programmer

Type of benefit : Migration of data base Access to SQL Server

Adaptation of software e-financement for double access to databases Access et SQL Server.

Testing and development on software modules e-financement (Delphi/Pascal).

FRACTALIS (Atlanpole : pôle de compétences) année 2005

Job title : Analyst programmer

Type of benefit : Administration of database SQL Server

Conception of interface ASP .NET

CONUPAT année 2004

Job title : Analyst programmer

Type of benefit : Website Design (PHP/MySQL)


2004 - 2006 : Formation CNAM

Master – Architect Designer Information System

2002 – 2004 : Formation CESI

Designer/developer of software Client/Server


Décember 2005 : IBM

MainFrame and Cobol / JCL development

November 2005 : SAP

Configuration SAP and ABAP development

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