Projet numéro 169 : "UPDATE AN EXCEL WORKSHHET"

Initiateur du projet :
Prestataire sélectionné : holisun
Evaluation prestataire : (8.66/10)
Description projet :

Hello, I would like to add a new functionality to the worksheets private and professional :

adding a new sheet called bdd to the 2 worksheets.

creating a new button in the menu sheets (both private and professional).

when the user clic on the button the system must copying the data from the sheets "chantiers en cours", "chantiers de l'annee" and "chantiers annules" to the new sheet "bdd".

The goal is to get in the new sheet "bdd" all the invoices made.

in this sheet bdd I need the following data : date, titre, client, intervenant, prix, facture.

The program must copy 1st the chantiers en cours data, after the chantiers de l'annee data and finally the chantiers annules data.

After that the system must create a name tha include the whole lines (in order to use this name in an odbc link).

I need at least 2 updates on the existing macros :

1°) when we "clic on the buton annulation (in the menu) the column "F" in the annulation sheet must be in bold. (private and professionnal).

2°) when we clic on facture the "F" column in the sheet shantiers en cours must be in bold size 9 (private and professionnal).

Thank you for your answer.


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