Initiateur du projet :
Description projet :
Description of the organisation : • a team of round: - 260 kids belonging to around 200 families - 60 animators - 5 administration staff : management / finance / supervisor / secretary • we offer activities to the kids based on their age and interest. • resources : available rooms, equipments for the courses/activities/ rented resources like transportation or external help we need a system with the following small modules: - profiles management : family, administration, animator,administrative staff / finance staff - online booking system for activities - time recording - reporting (including billing) - integration into website ( including information system, ex. newsletter ) The system, including updating/adapting the webpage, has the following functionalities: • language : german + french • a family can: - create and manage a family account via web : basic info like personal info, children ..etc. - registration to the activities online (+info : which activity is possible for their kids) - reporting: check their current registrations + nice to have : set a reminder for the activities or export to their calendar - reporting: paid/unpaid, download a receipt of their bills (paid/unpaid/due payment) - inform if their children is not coming to a course (absence), will be picked up by someone else or allowed to leave alone has allergy or medical problem • administration (2 roles : finance / administration) - administration can: - manage/update/approve infos about families/animators - create or update a resource (a resource can be : a room(capacity/place/availability) or a belonging like projector/training tool) This is important to manage the availability of these resources for the activities. - create or manage an activity including: basic resources needed for the activity capacity (number of children depends on assigned resources/rooms) number of animators and their specialities restrictions on participants: like age of children - create an offering of a activity : assigning animators and replacements if needed set up the price, time planing, and the variable resources like rooms(booking the room) confirm the registration of children to the activity Notice : activity: an activity will be created once per life ( example: judo), offering of an activity: each year/semester we have a new offering of the activity or even more than one offering at the same time ( example judo class 1 of the year 2018) - get reports like : List of the children based on filters, ex. children absent/leaving alone/with allergies/in specific activity planing of an activity Planing of animator List of attendance Payments or received payments - attendance management of kids and animators, including a check List per activity and date to approve the attendance and add a note if necessary ( checking attendants should be possible online ) - sending payment request to all families ( or one) / standard mail - sending confirmation of registration to all approved families( or one family or for an activity) / standard mail - send information to courses participants - time recording : give and manage own working hours - give and manage own holiday. - report: activities/participants in the activity / his working hours (including status) / holidays Finance can : - check time recording and approve those of animators and administration team. - close working ours => generate report of earnings for animator and administration - close families bills. - generate reports like : monthly payments and yearly payments for families/animators/administration Notice: working hours/holidays status: new => confirmed => approved => closed => ( paid for bills) • animator : - attendance management of kids, including a check List per activity and date to approve the attendance and add a note if necessary ( checking attendants should be possible online ) - time recording : give and manage own working hours - give and manage own holiday. - check the time planing of the activity - check the attendants and if they are absent ... - report: activities/participants in the activity / his working hours ( including status ) / holidays - send a notice to the participants in his course please afford for us a price estimation / offer to: • find a system doing this ( including the costs of the system /license or free... etc) • configure the system • support and maintenance later regards,*

Commentaire de l' administrateur :

  • Le client est:
  • Le client affirme souhaiter concrétiser son projet:
  • Objectif du projet:
  • Details du projet:
    • Technologie utilisée ou conseillée:
    • Logiciel utilisé ou conseillé:
    • Estimation du budget par jour appliqué:
    • Type de mission:
    • Estimation du délai de réalisation:


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