Initiateur du projet :
Description projet :
PRIMARY MENU Cart Software/User Interface Android Software Engineer Augmented Reality Smart Glasses Location: Rennes, France Mission: Manage the Android platform for ORA product line. Source code modifications (drivers and firmware) in relation with electronics suppliers. Create a new use interface with the current sensors and implement a specific launcher for ORA devices. Technical support for customers and application developers. Software Test &t Validation for Smart Glass products. Power Management optimization for ORA product line. Update ORA SDK with more features on video streaming and new user interface. Manage application development with industrial partners. Active involvement in ORA product development. Fluent English and French. Report to Technical Manager. Experience: 3 to 5 Years in the development of Android & Linux based systems. Good know how on Android Kernel systems and associated firmware. Experience in the development of intiuitive user interface and Augmented Reality AR is appreciated.

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