Profil du prestataire mozartdevs

Informations générales sur le prestataire mozartdevs

Nickname : mozartdevs
Date inscription : 10/09/2023
Dernière fois en ligne : 10/09/2023

Profil détaillé du prestataire mozartdevs

Domaines de compétence
Marketing digital | Développement Web | Wordpress | Prestashop | Magento | Shopify | Wix | PHP | Python | Java | JavaScript | Go | Elm | C# | React Native | Kotlin | C++ | Node.Js | Angular | Rédaction web SEO | Hébergement Web | Sécurité web | Création de logo | Création application iPhone | Sécurité informatique | UX Design | Infographie | UI Design |
Expérience professionnelle

Website, Ai & App development

We’re Mozart Developers, multidisciplinary engineers who focuses on telling our clients’ stories visually, through enjoyable and meaningful experiences. We specialize in the development of IT solutions and networks.
Over the past 8 years, as web & app developers, Graphic & UX/UI Designers, Network Engineers and Online Trainers, we’ve worked with big companies and up-and-coming startups developing unique and functional digital products to successfully help them reach their full potential and attract new customers.

Mozart Developers
Web & App, Web Hosting, Cloud Services
April 2016 — Present

Mozart Study
Online & Home School Tutoring
August 2014 — Present

Mozart Travel
Study Trips
December 2018 — Present

Mozart Library
Online Library, school supplies
August 2021 — Present

Current availability —
We usually work on several projects but we’ll be happy to discuss new opportunities. Let’s get in touch!

Master informatique quantique (Université de Yaoundé 1)

Certification udemy

Certification cisco

Certification openclassroom 

Licence sciences phyisque (université de Yaoundé 1)

Projets réalisés par mozartdevs

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