Projet numéro 124 : "UPDATE WEB FLASH SITE"

Initiateur du projet :
Prestataire sélectionné : adrian
Evaluation prestataire : (9.69/10)
Description projet :

Hello, I would like to fix a little problem on the flash web site (a big picture is not shown in the "cours à dista,ve detail part )and to add these functions :

1°) update the menu title "cours à distances" to "cours à distance" (remove the "s" at the end of distances...)

2°)update the title "8 images de la semaine" to "8 images du mois"

3°)the detail part of stages page is sorted by id and it must be sorted by date increasing.

4°) On all detail parts (or bottom parts) when we clic on a picture to see it in big when we come back to the detail the system show the 1st record and not the record from where we clic on the 3/6 record return to 1/6 record...

5°) add a counter in the contact page (to have the number of visitors).

6°) add button to allow on the "accueil page" the download of the flash player .

7°) we meet some problem on mac (even with flash 8 installed) to see the big pictures in the detail sections (bottom) but in the 8 images of the week all is ok ...

8°) Is it possible to move the site compatible with flash 7 release and if yes what is the cost ...?

thank you



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