Projet numéro 1753 : "PROGRAMMES SIMPLES EN J2ME"

Initiateur du projet :
Prestataire sélectionné : bfsi
Evaluation prestataire : (10/10)
Description projet :


I'm looking for developping a simple program for mobile terminal on Java (like all video game )

"V=Q*S" => THIS IS THE PROGRAM, you see it's not very difficult ! 

I need a simple interface where we choose which element we want to determine (V, Q or S)

Then, the operator put the two other element (If he need Q , he put V and S or vice versa )

It'a a little project for the moment , but I have lot of ideas for the suite

I want a OTA server on Apache too (maybe more late ) 

I'm not a professionnal person , but I have somme knowledge in programmation, and I have lot lot lot ideas for building an entire website around this little program

Thanks in adavance


(I'm going to made the algorithm of this to be clear ) 

For the price : don't remenber that I'm a PARTICULAR (NOT FIRM, SOCIETY)

Speak French, English (not so good ....) 

Nature du projet : Ce projet est un projet concret, mais réalisation incertaine


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