Initiateur du projet :
Description projet :




The site is a communauty for French DJ's (disk jockeys).

According to it's size, the site needs a real playlist management system, based on users advices.the site runs with LAMP - PHP 4 and mySQL, with the XOOPS CMS - Content management system. I hope you have a good knowledge of the CMS.


Here are the function expexted: music playlist, user authorizations, lists of playlist, search options, buying tracks or abums online with Amazon or Kelkoo, votes. No MP3 file upload is required because djfrance does not want to store music files. Playlist are arranged by categories by default, but they can also have tags.



The document explains what is expected from this module, and how it should work. The document should give you an idea of what is needed for the site. The playlist have got some basics options, and some more advanced options. The options to buy a music and the social network aspect is very important.

I thank you for the time taken to read this development specification, and giving an idea of the time and price you need to develop it.


Thank you




Nature du projet : Ce projet est un projet concret, et une réalisation certaine


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