Profil du prestataire maximenovatrices

Informations générales sur le prestataire maximenovatrices

Nickname : maximenovatrices
Date inscription : 25/01/2021
Dernière fois en ligne : 17/03/2021
Classement : classé 7 748ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire maximenovatrices

Domaines de compétence


JEE, Spring Boot, Django Python ,C#, ASP.Net, React Js, Dedux, Php, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, PHP - Laravel Javascript / HTML / CSS / JQuery


Mysql, Angular, Flutter, Ionic

Expérience professionnelle

Project : Dcode-Evo idcodeform

Typical tasks executed in this project: 

  • Develop and maintain Backend solutions with Pylons (Python Framework).

    • Manage internal database.

    • Manage REST API transactions.

  • Implementation of detailed functional specifications for new solutions Back-end and testing of different scenarios

Project Technologies: Pylons, Python 2.7

Project : Dcode-Evo Plone-Multigift

Typical tasks executed in this project: 

  • Develop and maintain Backend solutions with Pylons (Python Framework.

    • Manage internal database.

    • Manage REST API transactions.

  • Implementation of detailed functional specifications for new solutions Back-end and testing of different scenarios.

Technologies: Python, Plone (The enterprise open source CMS develop with python)


Project : Dcode-Evo Notifyd

Typical tasks executed in this project

  • Develop and maintain Backend solutions with Spring Boot.

    • Manage internal database.

    • Manage REST API transactions.

  • Implementation of detailed functional specifications for new solutions Back-end and testing of different scenarios.

Project Technologies: Java (Spring, JOOQ, Hibernate, Gradle, ActiveMQ broker, JMS), OrientDB, Karaf, PostgreSQL, FlywayDb, NiFi, ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana, Jinja, SendInBlue.

Project : Qualitics Flagship

Typical tasks executed in this project: 

  • Develop and maintain Backend solutions with Flask (Framework Python) and Spring Boot.

    • Manage internal database.

    • Manage REST API transactions.

  • Implementation of detailed functional specifications for new solutions Back-end and testing of different scenarios.

Technologies: Python, Flask, Spring Boot et MongoDB.

Project : CARTALINK S.A.S: Cartaware - TravelPlus

Typical tasks executed in this project: 

  • Implementation of an API in java which communicates with smart card readers and

  • a remote server.

  • Creation and Maintenance of two web platforms (Spring / React Js) communicating with my Server

  • of application:

    • Design integration

    • Manage REST API transactions

Technologies: JEE, Spring Boot, C#, ASP.Net, React Js, Dedux, Php, PostgreSQL, SQL Server





Développeur back-end et front-end avec une bonne connaissance de Python, Java, Spring Boot, JEE, C #, ASP.NET, React Js ajouté à l'expertise de mise en œuvre des technologies ElasticSearch, Docker et NiFi dans un contexte d'entreprise.

Je suis efficace et constant, avec de solides compétences d'analyste fonctionnel.

Projets réalisés par maximenovatrices

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