Projet numéro 318 : "PHP"

Initiateur du projet :
Prestataire sélectionné : suncraze
Description projet :

Hi, we need a php function to do html parsing and replacing patterns outside html tags. Here\'s the precise description :

Name : html_parse_and_replace


string html_parse_and_replace ( string url, key_expressions[][], prefixes[], suffixes[] )

variables :

string url - an url like as an example

key_expressions[][] - an array with key_expressions; for example




prefixes[] - an array with prefixes, one prefix for each key expression

suffixes[] - an array with suffixes, one suffix for each key expression

The function returns a string with the html page where all key expressions outside html tags in the web page have been identified, and the prefix and suffix have been added.
For example, if the webpage html code is simply this one:

a bottle of wine, what a good gift from god

the prefix for the key expression is \"prefix\"
the suffix for the key expression is \"suffix\", then the result for the function should be :

a prefixbottlesuffix of prefixwinesuffix, what a good gift from god

caution : the bottle_wine.gif inside the html tag remains unchanged

In fact, the result should look much like google-style highlighting key expressions :

Here you have an example of what I need, but unfortunately this doesn\'t work in many cases (approximately 20% it fails, falls into an infinite loop, and crashes) :

The function should process syntax-vicious pages (for example, if <> grammar is not fully respected, but original pages still display correctly).


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