Projet numéro 4397 : "EXTENSION MAGENTO"

Initiateur du projet :
Description projet :
I have a need for an extension to Magento that will limit the access for a given login to a single website associated with the login. Think of it as when you login to the admin control panel and there is the drop down for all the different websites and stores. Instead of the drop down, the login automatically sends them to their given store and limits their access to just their store.
This should fully integrate with Magento's existing security policy, allowing me to specify the permissions via the role management interface so that I can expand or contract the permissions for any given login/role.
Magento support has stated that this projects is entirely possible on their framework. The permissions requirement is practically built-in to Magento, the only thing missing is that any login has permissions to access any website. We need to limit this to force a login to have permissions on just a single website. This should be a fun project for anyone who love Magento!

Nature du projet : Ce projet est un projet concret, et une réalisation certaine.

Commentaire de l'administrateur : Ce client a été vérifié par téléphone par Progonline. Il est sérieux, tout autant que son projet. Ce projet a de grandes chances de se réaliser à condition de recevoir des offres pertinentes de la part des prestataires.


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