Profil du prestataire talbim.mail

Informations générales sur le prestataire talbim.mail

Nickname : talbim.mail
Date inscription : 31/08/2023
Dernière fois en ligne : 12/10/2023

Profil détaillé du prestataire talbim.mail

Domaines de compétence
Image processing 

- Geometrical optics
- Instrumental optics (design and test of measurement bench, optcal design, etc.)
- Image processing and analysis
- Anisotropic optics (birefringence,
interference ...)
- Optical systems analysis and charcterization (Lasers, Optical f ibers, etc.)
- Metrology by optical diagnostics

- Amplifying media (solid state, fibers)
- Non-linear optics
- Laser design (cavity test, alignment, optimization ...)

Expérience professionnelle
Freelance position. Optical Design Leader - Valeo (Ath, Belgium)
Optical manager on various projects of grazing projection systems on the ground for future op- tions (Courtasy, maneuvering...) of passenger vehicles, based on lens stack technologies and mi- cromirror arrays (DLP).
- Design/Optical design on Zemax + Ray tracing on Catia, analysis on LabSoft LMK and Vision.
- Discussion, analysis and synthesis of customer requests.
- Writing reports, procedures and specifications to meet the various milestones

Freelance position. Optical engineer in industrial vision - AnotherBrain - (Paris, France)
AnotherBrain is developing a quality control robot integrating next-generation artificial intelligence.
- Management of needs / Audit and analysis of products & practices
- Proposal of design plans for the lamp and the choice of the camera implemented in the solution - Test and verify developments / Realization of scenarios
- Participate in the code review process with the whole team - Drafting of technical documentation

R&D / Support Engineer - BiospaceLab - (Nesles-la-vallée, France)
BiospaceLab provides innovative optical and autoradiographic preclinical imaging systems (FLI,BLI, Xray, Scintigraphy) for worldwide research in biology.
- Participation in R&D for continuous improvement
- Presence on the production site to support the calibration and the control of the machines
- Drafting of procedures
- Technical presence in the field to provide curative and preventive support to the customer, the After-Sales Service.
- Technical and commercial presence to support sales activities (maintenance contracts, consu- mables and reagents, Upgrade)

Postdoctoral researcher in Optics - CORIA UMR 6614   - University of Rouen
Assembly of Interferometric Particles Imaging (IPI) benches for the characterization of ice particles in freezing tunnels.

PhD in Optics - CORIA UMR 6614   - GPM UMR 6634   - University of Rouen Morphological characterization of ice particles by multi-view interferometric imaging for airborne applications.
2015-2018 : PhD in Optics from University of Rouen Normandy “Morphological characterization of ice particles by multi-view interferometric out-of-focus imaging for airborne applications”, Physics, field of Optics.
2013-2015 : Master degree in Physics (PMES : Physics, Mechanics and Engineering Sciences): Develop- ment of Scientific, Optical and DEtection Instruments (DSODEI) - Mention : Good. Univer- sity of Rouen Normandy.

2012-2013 : Bachelor in Physics (PMES : Physics, Mechanics and Engineering Sciences), Path : Mechanics and Engineering
University of Rouen Normandy

Projets réalisés par talbim.mail

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