l MS-Windows (7, 8, 10) Unix OS (Ubuntu, Kali, MacOS) Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Photoshop, Dreamweaver.
l Mastery programming language (C language, CSS3 HTML5, PHP, Java (SE, Android, EE), JavaScript, WLanguage, Visual Basic, Dart, Python, Ruby)
l FrameWork consistent use: Bootstrap, Laravel, 6-angle, view, SpringBoot, Symfony, Java hipster, Flutter, Django, Ruby on Rails
l Specialist in REST API implementation via Java, PHP, Python and Ruby
l Integrated Development Environment and Text Editors: Qt,
Code block, Sublimetext3, Windev18 to 23, Visual Basic 2008 to 2015,
Eclipse, Android studio, IntellIJ, VisualStudio code, Netbeans.
l Basic data management system: MySQL, HFSQL, SQL
Server, Maria database, Mongo database, Sybase, DB2, Progress, MS Access
l Server configuration (server Windows 2008 R2 and 2012 R2, server
Nagios and Web, Debian ...)
l Competence in the power of the electronic system
l CMS mastered: Wordpress and Joomla
Will-Software Designer who is a commercial management software and a Mobile application whose particularity is the consideration of payment means of money transfer (Mobile Money, Flooz Money)
Setting up of Network and Server Configuration for some companies including POPHAMED Benin with Management Software installation
Participation in international web designs including http://franck.kouyami.bj and www.lavitrine.com
Programmer Analyst at the Digital Solution Center (CSN Akpakpa)
Bachelor's in Computer Science (HONS.) Degree Subject
l Relevant modules: Software Engineering
l Research project or dissertation: Connected pharmacy management system and mobile application design project allowing any individual to learn about the availability of different drugs
National School of Applied Economics and Management 2014-2016
Research project or dissertation: Design and Implementation of a Registration Management Application and School Note Martin Luther King College Case