Projet numéro 162 : "SECURED WEBMAIL"

Initiateur du projet :
Prestataire sélectionné : holisun
Evaluation prestataire : (8.66/10)
Description projet :

We want to set up a secured opensource webmail server :

- the server should run under :
Linux Debian (or Gentoo if updates are proved to be as easy as with Debian).

- secured means that the server will pass nessus (last version) tests.

- it should be able to manage at least 50000 accounts.

- the webmail should be customizable = ability to change its look& feel, ability to display our logo, ability to insert adlinks and/or ad banners.

- ability to fix individual or global size quotas for the accounts management.

- ability to have an ssh access.

- the webmail should allow HTTP requests in order to create ore remove accounts, or to modify passwords.


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Lise a jour du site www_insecula_com




