Initiateur du projet :
Description projet :
B/ Deliverables & coding style:

 - give the sources
 - apply coding conventions for J2SE
 - ALL the fields from javadoc have to be filled
 - when there is an error, send an exception
 - all exceptions have to be documented
 - all exceptions have a string field that explain in
 "understandable language" what's wrong
 - unit tests (junit, documented)
 - aspectj and/or java 5 OK
 - ant build.xml file (including ant task for
  build of the final jar file; including task
  for javadoc)
 - eclipse project file
 - should be tested on linux jdk 5
  (optionally bea jrockit) / win$ / optionally
 IKVM (.NET based JVM) ; MacOS X ; freeBSD
 - pure jar [no native code] much appreciated!
 - import of BSD/Apache/LGPL (/NOT/ GPL) licensed
  code is OK!
d) flash templates: [Hint: please look at the following projects Flash4Linux (freeware replacement of Macromedia Flash) there are certainly other projects, too] Same capabilities as PPT templates, + the possibility to have one color in an image become "transparent" fileObject.setImageTransparentColor(imageName, r, b, b) + the possibility to get/set image as a table of 4 values: R,G,B,Alpha(transparency) int[][][] img = fileObject .getImageContent(imageName) fileObject.setImageContent(imageName, int[][][] content) Export as image type (jpeg, first frame) must be possible. Export as PDF appreciated.

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