Profil du prestataire princehb2014

Informations générales sur le prestataire princehb2014

Nickname : princehb2014
Date inscription : 27/12/2020
Dernière fois en ligne : 05/05/2023
Classement : classé 23 117ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire princehb2014

Domaines de compétence

- Thorough knowledge of Delphi programming, windows and Linux based application designing and development, user interface and database design, OOPS concepts, program testing and debugging, software troubleshooting methods, requirement analysis, SQL queries and stored procedures, functional, unit and integration testing, Migration to new versions, project planning and management, software documentation, Delphi interfaces and object models.

- Working knowledge of Delphi IDE, VBA (MSAccess, Excel), HTML, CSS, Js, Bootstrap, Jquery, MySQL, Interbase, Firebbird, Foxpro, Dbase,Paradox,  SQL Server and relational database systems, Laravel, MVC, Web API, Unix and Linux platforms.

- Maintenance of hardware PC (repair any problems).

- Installation and administration of networks.

- Web designer

- Methods of conception: MERISE, UML.
Expérience professionnelle

- Thorough knowledge of Delphi programming, windows and Linux based application designing and development, user interface and database design, OOPS concepts, program testing and debugging, software troubleshooting methods, requirement analysis, SQL queries and stored procedures, functional, unit and integration testing, Migration to new versions, project planning and management, software documentation, Delphi interfaces and object models.

- Working knowledge of Delphi IDE, VBA (MSAccess, Excel), HTML, CSS, Js, Bootstrap, Jquery, MySQL, Interbase, Firebbird, Foxpro, Dbase,Paradox,  SQL Server and relational database systems, Laravel, MVC, Web API, Unix and Linux platforms.

- Maintenance of hardware PC (repair any problems).

- Installation and administration of networks.

- Web designer

- Methods of conception: MERISE, UML.

- Thorough knowledge of Delphi programming, windows and Linux based application designing and development, user interface and database design, OOPS concepts, program testing and debugging, software troubleshooting methods, requirement analysis, SQL queries and stored procedures, functional, unit and integration testing, Migration to new versions, project planning and management, software documentation, Delphi interfaces and object models.

- Working knowledge of Delphi IDE, VBA (MSAccess, Excel), HTML, CSS, Js, Bootstrap, Jquery, MySQL, Interbase, Firebbird, Foxpro, Dbase,Paradox,  SQL Server and relational database systems, Laravel, MVC, Web API, Unix and Linux platforms.

- Maintenance of hardware PC (repair any problems).

- Installation and administration of networks.

- Web designer

- Methods of conception: MERISE, UML.

Projets réalisés par princehb2014

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