Initiateur du projet :
Prestataire sélectionné : dbeaugra
Evaluation prestataire : (9.75/10)
Description projet :

AwareIM is a web development tool for DB application. You can download a fully functionnal trial version from their web site at It offers good development functionalities and a set of API's for Java integration.

I want to integrate their document management functions (CRUD, DB data merge) with Thinkfree Office instead of MS Word/Excel. Thinkfree Office Server edition is a web-based Office application that looks like and behaves like Word/Excel. You can download and install a trial version from their web site at

There are 3 main objectives to this project :

1. Preserve the merge function available with Word/Excel and make updating a document a one-click function (see below).

2. Creation of a new document with data merge should not take more than 2 - 3 seconds (intranet)

3. Deployment server should be available both on Linux and Windows.

There is a Programmer's guide in the AwareIM trial installation or download it from

Explanation to the one-click function:

A user can open a Word document in the browser directly from the server application UI. But then the server is no longer involved. That means when the user saves its document, he gets the standard windows File-Save (or Save as...) dialog which saves the document to the local file system, usually in %userprofile%\\Local settings\\temp.

To transfer the modified document back into the AwareIm DB application, you have to browse the local filesystem, find the right document (if you noticed its name !) and import it back.

The one-click function should enable to save the document directly into the AwareIM DB application.

If you think you can achieve the above objectives with other solutions, you can make a proposal as well.


Nature du projet : Ce projet est un projet concret, et une réalisation certaine


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