Projet numéro 21972 : "BUSINESS ANALYST MUREX - RISK - PARIS - 6 MOIS"

Initiateur du projet :
Description projet :
1- Your responsibilities (non-exhaustive list): o Provide consulting services throughout the application development and support life cycle. o Involved in technical and functional projects related to Risk (including maintenance and evolutions of Curves configuration and EOD extractions for PnL, VAR, Stress, sensi, PLVar ) o Requirements writing and functional documentation. o Share knowledge and coach newcomers, leverage his expertise through a continuous training program. 2 - Expected experience and knowledge Strong understanding of financial markets, specifically Credit Derivatives, Fixed income, Repos and Interest Rate Derivatives. Strong understanding in Risk management. Good knowledge of Murex Front-Office tools on MxG2000 v2.11 (Pricing, Simulation, Market Data, standard reports, VaR, PL Variance tool). Strong stakeholder management skills (contact with traders). Minimum of 5 years of relevant experience. Past experience with offshore is a plus. Fluent in English (French not necessary) Lieu : Paris (75) Durée : 6 mois Tarif : 650 Début : Asap

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