Profil du prestataire ahlemjb

Informations générales sur le prestataire ahlemjb

Nickname : ahlemjb
Date inscription : 02/01/2020
Dernière fois en ligne : 23/12/2020
Classement : classé 9 357ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire ahlemjb

Domaines de compétence
- Languages ??/ Frameworks: Java / Jee, Maven, NodeJs, AngularJs, Hibernate, Languages ??/ Frameworks: Java / Jee, Maven, NodeJs, AngularJs, Hibernate, 
JSF, Primfaces, C ++, C embeds, CSS / CSS3, HTML / HTML5, JAVASCRIPT, PHP / 
PHP5, bootsrap, xml, phyton-opp, java8 
- Systems: Windows, Linux, unix - Systems: Windows, Linux, unix - Database : MYSQL, ORACLE Database : MYSQL, ORACLE - Embedded system: Programming of PICs, DSP processors and Embedded system: Programming of PICs, DSP processors and 
STM32, Arduino, Labview, Raspberry, Embedded c, SOC boards 
- Servers: Tomcat, Jboss, EasyPHP, Xamp, Wamp Servers
Expérience professionnelle
Design and development of an Android mobile health application "Medicaville" - Business layer implementation in Java 8, Java EE - Data persistence management: Hibernate - Database design: MySQL - Using WebServices (REST) Technologies used: PrimeFaces, JSF, JAVA 8, Hibernate, MySQL, REST, Technologies used: PrimeFaces, JSF, JAVA 8, Hibernate, MySQL, REST, 
Android, easyPHP
Design and development of a dynamic website that manages the management of tasks between technicians and administrators. - Business layer implementation in Java 8, Java EE - Data persistence management: Hibernate - Database design: MySQL  

Applied License in Embedded and Mobile Systems

| the Higher Institute of Applied
License in Embedded and Mobile Systems | the Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Bizerte September 2015 - June 2018 
Bachelor in Computer Science | Habib Thameur Bizerte High School Bachelor in Computer Science | Habib Thameur Bizerte High School June 2015

Projets réalisés par ahlemjb

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