Projet numéro 21562 : "TESTEUR _ANGLAIS _ FRANCAIS_"

Initiateur du projet :
Description projet :
- Find bugs and apply engineering rigor to reproduce and diagnose those bugs - Write concise and descriptive bug reports and present test results to other project stakeholders clearly and effectively - Conduct exploratory tests to check if the product feels native and report linguistic bugs where UI text is hard to understand - Troubleshoot bugs filed to reproduce issues, verify steps to reproduce and prioritize for fixes - Monitor and escalate aging bugs - Report on backlog and progress made daily / weekly - Help set up devices for testing - CS major preferred, Mobile/Android centric - Local targeted for testing as well as

Les sujets suivants peuvent également vous intéresser

developpeur traduction anglais roumain roumain anglaisrecherche expert web dev
codeur windows ceexpert application mobile pour l
freelance base de donnee mysql ex gestion listing clientscherche freelance rrealisation de script
developpeur correction d articles ou documents en francaischerche codeur expert c plus plus et java
cherche expert progressrecherche prestataire expert suite cs

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