Initiateur du projet :
Description projet :
I do run a small home business based on promotional products for the industry. Right now I am thinking to get a new e-commerce site for my business based on PrestaShop latest version. I would require the following as a base: 
  1. - Website with appealing and modern design 
  2. - Website to be hosted by (my own account) 
  3. - website to be available in 3 languages 
  4. - Products to show price per quantity 
  5. -       Integrated e-mail sender 
  6. - Advanced filters / sorting tool based on price, product, colour, etc. 
  7. - Site to be protected by reCAPTCHA or higher secure alternative 
  8. - Integrated high quality seo self-referencing tools is required 
  9. - Integrated enquiry basket 

Do you have any experience on developing for the promotional industry? Here is a link towards European companies involved in the same business? 

Some suggestions or interest? Thank you for your feedback on the above 
Best regards, 
Jose E. Correa
  • Le client: est une entreprise spécialisée dans le domaine de la vente en ligne
  • Durée indicative: environ 8 jours
  • Tarif journalier indicatif: 400 €
  • Type de mission: Freelance en télétravail



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