Description de la référence portfolio :
Easy Budget Tracker is a powerful and easy to use application that allows you to track your budgets by giving you in easy way to record your expenses, incomes and transfers. Easy Budget Tracker allows you to track all your transactions through many features such as : A schedule of expenditures liabilities, notifications about upcoming expenses in the next days, multi synchronization devices , exporting to Google Drive and DropBox for your backups ...
Easy Budget Tracker offers many great features , such as:
- Management of expenses, incomes and transfers
- Take pictures of your bills and your checks
- A simplified input with auto-completion and save of your preferences
- Recurring Transactions (Expenses, Incomes and Transfers )
- Manage multiple accounts,
- Multiple currency and exchange rate management
- Multiple tags management (categories )
- Multiple budgets ( Monthly, Daily , Annual, Semi- Annual , Mid-monthly ... )
- A Trash management : You always have the option to cancel your deleted data
And more:
- Sync multiple devices (One devise to use at a time)
- Export your data to : Dropbox , Google Drive, SD Card or our server
If you like our app , leave a comment ;) and if you have any trouble using it, do not hesitate to contact us, we will fix the problem as quickly as possible.