Domaines de compétence
- Git, GitLab, Docker, Docker-compose, Jhipster, Swagger
- Elasticsearch, Kibana, FluentD, Grafana, Prometheus, Akka, Apache Camel.•Java ,JSF , Spring BOOT, Spring Cloud, Spring DATA, Spring MVC, IOC, Hibernate, JPA, Maven, Android, PL/SQL.
- Sping Security, Oauth 2.0, OpenID, Jwt, Spring Clous, Zuul, Eureka, Rabbit MQ, Artemis
- HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, Angular 4, Angular 5, Node JS, BootStrap, PrimeFaces, PrimeNG
Expérience professionnelle
Design and implementation of the next generation parking managementmicroservice system.
Design and implementation of a national public health surveillance system in Tunisia
Design and Development of web applications using best practices and most popular tools
Diplome National d'ingenieur université Tunis (Institut superieur d'informatique)